Saturday, May 23, 2020
Should College Athletes Be Paid - 1390 Words
A highly debated topic in college sports today is whether or not schools should begin to pay their athletes. As major college sports become more popular, more money is being brought into universities because of their athletics. High level Division 1 coaches and athletic directors make millions of dollars, and some are the highest paid state employees if they are at a public institution. Because of the profits athletes can generate for schools, student-athletes should receive some amount of compensation in addition to any scholarships they have. In my essay, I will present the argument for and against paying college athletes on an economic level. I will also examine recent court cases involving the issue. Athletes being paid illegally†¦show more content†¦Personally, I am a pitcher on the baseball team. I hope that I can get a shot one day at playing professionally. In order to do this, I workout on my own time, throw on my own during Christmas break, and I playing su mmer baseball that spans all but about 2 weeks over my summer. With all of this time dedicated to keeping in shape and able to perform well to keep a scholarship, as well as school, there is no time to get a job on campus or during break to start paying off loans. In the case of California State University-Fresno, the school’s paper writer suggests, â€Å"The school mandates that no student should be paid more than 20 hours per week while school is in session. That sounds like a fair deal†(Livingston). He says this because he is suggesting that since athletes don’t get the chance to have a job, why not pay them for the allowed times to work for any other student. Athletes generally have at least 20 hours a week dedicated to practices, so it would be a fair trade off. One other argument that paying college athletes should be done is that because of the large profits that they generate, they should see some of the money. To give an idea of just how much the N CAA alone makes, â€Å"The NCAA had $60,908,876 in net assets for the year ending Aug. 31, 2013, bringing its total net assets of $627,325,275. It distributed nearly $504 million to Division I members†(Doyle). Later, I will discuss individual programs and how much individual schools can make in a year off
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Effects Of Aggression And Video Games - 1882 Words
The Effects of Aggression and Video Games in Females Grace Freeman University of Missouri Introduction Video games have been in existence for over two decades. Much research has been done on the effects that video games have on aggression in males. Aggression in females is an aspect that has not been studied nearly as much. Video games lead to more aggression (Gabbiadini, 2014). Non-violent video games do not show as high levels of aggression as violent video games (Farrar, Krcmar, Nowak, 2006). Aggression is defined as hostile or violent behavior or attitudes toward another (Merrian-Webster, 2015). Violence in video games has become an ever increasing issue as more studies are being conducted that report high levels of aggression. Over forty percent of the gaming market is now estimated to be female (Sydell, 2013). Fifteen percent of the Grand Theft Auto franchise players are estimated to be female (Sydell, 2013). Repeated exposure to violent video games is linked to serious forms of aggression and violence (Farrar, Krcmar, Nowak, 2006). Violent game play provides a learning envi ronment for real-word behavior, including aggressive acts. (Farrar, Krcmar, Nowak, 2006). The focus of the current study is to show that aggression in females tends be the same as aggression in males and that brief exposure to violent video games should increase physiological arousal and aggressiveness. Early research by Cooper and Mackie (Cooper Mackie, 1986) discovered thatShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Video Games On Levels Of Aggression1115 Words  | 5 PagesIn â€Å"The Effect of Online Violent Video games on Levels of Aggression†Jack Holligdale and Tobias Greitemeyer want to find out the effects video games have on aggression. Violent video games have previously been identified to be the most popular video games played by consumers. Research into the effect of violent video games on levels of aggression has led to concerns that they may pose a public health risk (Holligdale Greitemeyer, 2014). Holligdale and Greitemeyer examined whether playing a FPSRead MoreViolent Video Game Effects On Aggression3491 Words  | 14 Pages Violent Video Game Effects on Aggression Delaney Granger William Jewell College Author Note Delaney Granger, William Jewell College This research was completed to fulfill requirements for a Psychology Capstone course instructed by Dr. Ray Owens. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Delaney Granger, Psychology Department, William Jewell College, Liberty, MO 64068. E-mail: â€Æ' Abstract The effect of violent video games has constantly beenRead MoreArticle Summary : Effect Of Violent Video Games On Youth Aggression1861 Words  | 8 Pages Article Summary: Effect of Violent Video Games on Youth Aggression Beth L. Lynch APUS October 8, 2014 Abstract For many years researchers, parents, and policy makers have been debating the effect of video game violence on levels of youth aggression. In effect, the arguments have been centered on whether or not exposure to violent media has the power to potentiate violence in children, and whether or not this social influence has the ability, barring all other factors, to engenderRead More The Effects Of Video Game Violence On Human Aggression Essay example1860 Words  | 8 Pagesstudies, participants playing violent video games have consistently shown increases in their aggressive behavior, both during and after the gameplay. A study that linked violent video games to child aggression found that in every group they tested, â€Å"Children who were exposed to more video game violence did become more aggressive over time than their peers who had less exposure†(Harding 1). An increase in aggressive behavior after playing violent video games is quite common in most cases, althoughRead MoreVideo Game Violence And Its Effects On Gamers1205 Words  | 5 PagesVideo Game Violence and its effects on Gamers In recent years there has been a significant increase of shooting incidents, specifically in America. When there is a shooting event the media is quick to question if the suspect had a history of playing violent video games. There is already the initial connection between video game violence and aggression; but is this connection scientifically correct? This topic interests me because of the increase in school shootings and violence. I have personallyRead MoreVideo Games At Columbine High School1397 Words  | 6 Pagesbefore the two committed suicide. Are violent video games to blame for this devastating event? The subject has been a source of controversy both within and outside the scientific community. (INSERT CLEAR FOCUSED HYPOTHESIS HERE) Content analyses show that 89% of video games have some violent content. Half of the video games on the market have extreme violent actions toward other characters. Games, today, are allowing players to not only connect with the game physically, but also emotionally and psychologicallyRead MoreThe Sociological Impact Of Video Games1188 Words  | 5 PagesImpact of Violence in Video Games Video games have had a troubled history of being associated with negative trends in emotional behavior in those who indulge in them. Since the inception of video games more narratively complex than Pong, a great deal of research has been conducted on the psychological and sociological effects of violence and competition in video games. Findings on this topic have been largely divided between two camps, one which believes that violent video games cause violent behaviorRead MoreViolent Video Games And Its Influence On Behavior1187 Words  | 5 PagesViolent Video Games and Its Influence on Aggressive Behaviors What images pop up in your head when you hear the word aggression? Have you ever thought whether violence portrayed in different forms of media make people more aggressive? The immediate reaction to such a word is fighting or violence. Many issues are determinants of aggression but media violence has played a huge role in influencing aggressive behavior. Over the past years, aggression has been tied to numerous video games thatRead MoreDo Video Games Inspire Violent Behavior?1713 Words  | 7 Pagesregarding the effects of violent video games and the development of today’s youth. Many people believe that the violence in video games promotes aggression. According to Doctor Brad Bushman’s article, Do Violent Video Games Increase Aggression? he claims that violent video games leads to aggression because it is interactive process that teaches and rewards violent behavior. Yet others believe that this not the case. Gregg Toppo of the Scientific American, writ es in his article, â€Å"Do Video Games InspireRead MoreVideo Games And Aggression : A Debate Between Socialization Hypothesis And Selection Hypothesis1740 Words  | 7 Pages Feiyang Qian Could Playing Violent Video Games Predict Aggression? A Debate Between Socialization Hypothesis and Selection Hypothesis Bard College Word Count: 1722 Along with the increase of population who play video games, there raised a huge concern about the video games and its possible outcome. One potential issue is the relationship between violent video games and aggression. There are two seemingly competitive hypotheses from previous studies, interpreting the relationship:
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Belonging Essay Body, Feliks Skrzynecki Free Essays
Feliks Skrzynecki Belonging presupposes inclusion and an acceptance of self, satisfying a yearning to be something larger than ourselves. The subjective nature of belonging, however, suggest it is often far more ambiguous and complex. Belonging as a potentially positive force is recognised in the poet’s representation of his father’s connection to his Polis past. We will write a custom essay sample on Belonging Essay Body, Feliks Skrzynecki or any similar topic only for you Order Now The metaphor ‘where his father kept pace only with the Joneses of his minds making’, coupled with the simile, ‘loved his garden like an only child’, captures his father’s immersion in Polish culture and his indifference OR more likely his fathers pretermit to the world around, suggestive of a deep emotive attachment to his garden, which serves as a nexus of his agrarian heritage and ataration or stoic indifference to new cultures. This sense of contentment finds resolution in the tranquillity that shapes his fathers connection to his past, evident in the gentle meandering and lyrical emotive enjambment where the poet describes his father as he ‘sits out the evening with his dog†¦ happy as I have never been’, suggesting that a profound sense of belonging contributes to a positive sense personal identity. Paradoxically, however, Felik’s immersion into his Polish heritage inhibits his capacity to assimilate and contributes to an emotional and psychological rift between father and son. Did your father ever attempt to learn English? ’, this separation is reinforced through the use of direct, rhetorical question that is seemingly a personal attack, combined with the metaphor ‘dancing-bear grunts’ describing the man who opened the personal onslaught on feliks, indicative of a lack of empathy, as well as, hostility between Feliks and his immediate culture, suggesting that b elonging contributes to a negative sense of personal identity. Pegging my tents further and further south of Hadrian’s wall’, this infused combination of metaphor and historical allusion, evokes a sense that his inability to comprehend, as well as, his reluctance to assimilate, recognising the inevitable and inexorable process of separation that invariably accompanies belonging in the vacant space between two cultures. How to cite Belonging Essay Body, Feliks Skrzynecki, Essays
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Journal Of Business Economics Management -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Journal Of Business Economics Management? Answer: Introduction Employee performance and rewards management is a process of rewarding the employees in terms of various benefits, compensations and wages to ensure that the employees are satisfied with their job role, provide their best foot forward and give maximum productivity. The reward management system was introduced after the psychologists studied the behavior of the individuals how the people reacts to rewards and compensations and how it motivates them to continue with their best performance. The psychologists have created certain motivational theories, which are closely related with the ideas of motivational reward system. In this report the article related to Samsung paying reward to the employees will be analyzed, the main issue of rewards will be explored. The topic will also be discussed relating it with the employee relations challenges, performance management, learning and development, motivation and rewards, managing diversity, and employee turnover and retention. Having an efficient system of reward, is compulsory so that the employees come to know in details about their task sand display the skills to do it, they will have the level of motivation required to work and provide best performance. The chief purpose of this report is to identify the issue related to performance reward management, analyze the theories related to the topic and finally to provide solutions to the problem. The Issue Related To Performance and Rewards in the Story The story provided in the article is about the company Samsung, the company has paid special bonus to their employees belonging to their mobile division who were sincere in their work (Haider et al., 2015). Despite of the poor performance of the company for that year, they kept the division running and prevented any unnecessary ramp down in the company, as Samsung was not doing well in business during the year. Samsung has taken up this initiative to motivate their employees during such a trying time by paying them bonuses (Pepper Gore, 2015). According to the words of a Samsung official, Samsung will try to motivate workers through proper compensation. The decision for maximum bonuses to mobile employees includes the company managements hopes to proceed on their given mission under new leadership. The chief issue to identify in this report is to find out the role of rewards and performance pays and how that motivates the employees, whether financial compensation really motivates th e employees to continuing with their best performance, how is compensation related to employee motivation (Joshi et al., 2015). The Theories on Compensation or Rewards and the Performance of Employees To understand which of the components of compensation are better in effectiveness, the theories of remuneration of employees are required to be (Caza, McCarter Northcraft, 2015). There are three such theories of employee compensation Reinforcement and Expectancy theories, Equity theory and Agency theory. Reinforcement Theory According to the Reinforcement theory, the action of a person which is rewarded or appreciated is going to be repeated again(Malik, Butt Choi, 2015). The effect of compensation is that if an employee provides high quality of work and for that, if monetary rewards are given to that employee then he/she will be more likely to continue producing such work again (Lee et al., 2015). Following the same theory, if a high quality performance is not followed by respective compensation then it is likely that such action will never be repeated again in the future (Terera Ngirande, 2014). The theory emphasizes the importance of a person actually experiencing the reward. Expectancy Theory Similar to the Reinforcement theory, Expectancy theory propounded by Victor H. Vroom a professor in Yale School of Management, focuses on the connection between compensations or rewards and behavior(Hameed, Ramzan Zubair, 2014). According to the Expectancy theory, motivation is the product of valence, assistance and individual expectancy. The systems of remuneration can vary when these motivational components will be impacted. Valence of pay and its outcomes remain the same within different remuneration systems. The Expectancy theory deals more with the design of a job and training rather than pay framework. Equity Theory According to Equity theory, the employee who experiences inequity or unfairness in his/ her compensation always seeks to bring in equity(Kala, 2015). The theory proposes equality in the remuneration framework of the employees. The treatment of the employees by their firms holds utmost importance to them. The statement which says a fair day work for fair day pay brings about a sense of equity among the employees. When employees experience inequality then it can result in decrease in productivity, high number of absentees or decrease in revenue of the company. Agency Theory The agency theory emphasizes on the various goals and aims of the stakeholders oh an organization and the ways in which remuneration of an employee can be modified to suit those goals. In a business unit, the two stakeholders are the employees and the employers, employees take upon the role of principals and the employees play the role of agents (Aslam et al., 2015). It is natural that the employees expect high agency costs while the employers seek to minimize it. According to the agency theory the employer or the principle must pick a contracting plan that can adjust the interests of the employees or the agents with the interests of the employer. These agreements can be delegated either behaviour oriented (e.g. merit pay) or outcome oriented (e.g. stock option schemes, profit sharing, and commission) At the primary sight, outcome oriented contracts appear to be the most favourable arrangement. The benefits enjoyed by the employees increase with the increase in the profits of the company, and at the same time the rewards decrease if the employer experience loss of revenue. The Different Types of Rewards Rewards are required in the organizations and they play a huge role in motivating the employees (Howard,Turban Hurley, 2016). They serve the purpose of achieving higher organizational goals, help in securing better quality of employees and to increase their annual revenue. The foremost objective is to build individuals' eagerness to work in one's organization, to upgrade their efficiency. There are two sorts of prizes: Extrinsic rewards: solid amount of rewards that the employees receive. Bonuses: By and large consistently, Bonuses impels the employees to put in all endeavors and tries in the midst of the year to achieve more than a satisfactory assessment that grows the likelihood of obtaining a couple of pay as particular sum (De Gieter Hofmans, 2015). The plans related to bonuses differs within organizations; while some of the organizations ensure fixed amount of bonuses, on the other hand other organizations pay bonuses to their employees on the basis of their performance throughout the year, this process rather increases the chances of biases to occur and that may ultimately lead to employee dissatisfaction and loss of productivity. Therefore, managers must be careful to remain unbiased. Salary raise: The employees achieve this type of rewards after a year of hard work, and this raise motivates the employees to gain new skills and improve their performance. The raise in salary results in the long term job satisfaction of the employees. In these, kind of situations related to salary raise the managers should remain unbiased and judge the employees only according to their performance and there should not be any discrimination among the employees. Gifts: These types of rewards are a short-term based appreciation method. Fundamentally presented as a token of gratefulness for an achievement or obtaining an affiliations needed goal (Clot et al., 2015). Any employee would hold this kind of compensation in high regards and they would gain confidence in their work. This kind of reward ensures the employee that his/her way id the correct one and thus they try to keep up the good work in the future as well. Promotion: This is quite similar to the salary raise medium of compensation. Promotions tend to create a long-term satisfaction in the minds of the employees (Al-Emadi, Schwabenland Wei, 2015). This is done by allowing an employee to rise to a higher designation and by providing a higher title; this will of course come with an increase in the responsibilities and accountability. The interest of the employee is increased in this sort of reward as they believe that the administrators will choose the people who will prove to suit the designations best. In this type of rewards as well the people who are in the management should be careful to pick the candidates based on their merits only. Intrinsic rewards: these types of rewards tends to provide certain levels of personal satisfaction to the employees. Information / feedback: This is a significant type of reward which is followed by the effective managers as it holds huge importance to the employee as well as for the management. Feedbacks offer guidance to the employees whether in a positive manner or in a negative manner. This process at the same time create a bond and also adds value to the management and employee relationship. Recognition: Recognition can be explained as the verbal form of appreciation. This kind of reward may be provided to the individual employee through formal meetings or under informal conditions. Trust/empowerment: In the societies or in any organizations, trust is a vital requirement between two individuals or between an employee and the organization. Trust is important in order to complete the tasks successfully, this leads to increase in accountability and helps in winning the confidence of the management, and it also adds importance to the decisions taken by the employee (Aruna Anitha, 2015). Thus, this type of reward will benefit the organizations and provide them the idea that two minds are always better than one. Intrinsic rewards improves the employee to feel valued in the organization, while Extrinsic rewards center around the execution and exercises of the representative with a specific end goal to achieve a specific result. Importance of Rewards or Compensation The compensation system will only be ideal when it will affect the efficiency of the employees in a positive manner and the results will improve. Rewards will encourage the employees to make better performance and to achieve their respective goals, the process of job evaluation will also be improved, and the standards to meet will be also set in a realistic manner(Deery Jago, 2015). The process of achieving compensation should be set in a simple and manner so that the employees feel comfortable to understand the same and work towards achieving their own rewards. The purpose of the rewards and compensation should be to enhance the morale of the employees and to create a bond between the managers and the employees. Conclusion To conclude, Employee reward system is a method set by the companies to retain their employees, to increase the job satisfaction and to improve the quality of performance of the employees. Rewards are different from salary but may be offered in terms of money and in other ways. A reward framework comprises of money related prizes and worker benefits, which together include add up to compensation, it also has non-financial rewards and, in several cases, processes related to performance management. Employees are encouraged by both Extrinsic as well as Intrinsic rewards, to be successful, the reward framework must have both the reward types. All reward framework depends on goals to retain, manage, please and to improve the productivity of the employees. Monetary rewards are an important aspect of the reward framework, but there are several other factors, which motivate the employees to improve the level of their performance. The reward practices and procedures are associated through a l aborers' point of view where the reward organization ought to evaluate the wants, wants and needs of delegates as accomplices in the affiliation. Contemplations have additionally to be given to the necessities or perspectives of different partners, particularly proprietors in the private segment and governments, nearby specialists and trustees somewhere else. Reference list: Al-Emadi, A. A. Q., Schwabenland, C., Wei, Q. (2015). The vital role of employee retention in human resource management: A literature review.IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior,14(3), 7. Aruna, M., Anitha, J. (2015). Employee retention enablers: Generation Y employees.SCMS Journal of Indian Management,12(3), 94. Aslam, A., Ghaffar, A., Talha, T., Musthaq, H. (2015). 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