Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Russia Trip essays
Russia Trip expositions Model United Nations (MUN) is an overall movement, held in various places the world over. It centers around creating understudies discussing aptitudes and widens their insight into the political world, as understudies compose and attempt to pass goals concerning genuine circumstances occurring on the planet today. A year ago, twenty-five understudies were chosen to speak to Dhahran Academy High School (DAHS) at a MUN meeting held in St. Petersburg, Russia. The best and most tip top debaters of the school were picked. The chaperones that administered them were Mr. furthermore, Mrs. Gertz. Alongside them came their lovable child Gabriel. On the night of March nineteenth, understudies say goodbye to their friends and family and withdrew on a transport going to Dammam air terminal. They were set out toward Amsterdam, Holland where they would have a six-hour delay before loading up their next trip to St. Petersburg. While on the transport six dear companions (Jad and Majd Chaaya, Carlos Napauri, Ahmad Majzoub, Damien Loughery and Omar Sallman.) discussed their energy and enthusiasm of getting to Russia. In the wake of showing up at the air terminal, sacks were stacked, international IDs and tickets checked and everybody was on the plane. The flight was diverting and didnt appear seven hours. On it was a fat woman with wavy orange hair, glasses and an amazingly huge stomach. This woman had experienced a type of narcoleptic sickness where she would drop and stir haphazardly. Tragically she was situated close to Majd and Ahmad! Two hours after takeoff, the woman dropped and was oblivious for quite a while. During this timeframe Majd and Ahmad started taking photos close to her. They delighted in taking the photos, presenting like an angler close to his catch of the day, while the remainder of the young men snickered a lot After a long yet interesting flight the understudies showed up at Amsterdam. To pass the hours prior to the following flight Carlos, Ahmad and Omar went to eat. They went to Sba... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Albatross Anchor
Gooney bird Anchor is a little family claimed business situated in Smallville, MA. Gooney bird Anchor is situated on 12 sections of land of land. They began with four workers in 1976 and develop throughout the years to more than 100. The organization makes two kinds of grapples in various sizes. The sorts are the mushroom/chime stay and the snap snare grapple. Gooney bird Anchor has many assembling issues which are the reason for the organization not working out quite as well as it ought to be. The organization is outdated, worn and doesn't meet government rules. Gooney bird can be an organization of things to come with the use of much need redesigns and developments. Question one A. Gooney bird Anchor‘s seriousness in relations to cost beneath their rivals. They are 30% lower than their rivals. The reason for this is all the activity wasteful aspects. They have to address the entirety of their issues so as to get in accordance with the contenders. The expense to produce is equivalent to the contenders $12. 00 for every/lb. for mushroom/chime grapples and $6. 00 for every/lb. for catch snare stays. Be that as it may, with the significant expense of transportation crude materials in completed merchandise not delivering out, and the expense of crude material, these are only a portion of the issues making the organization lose cash. The expense of the assembling procedure is harming Albatross. The vacation in the middle of set up of the various stays is a destruction of the organization. They are paying laborers to be there to trust that work will start. The expense of crude material is high, since the organization littler than most. They won't show signs of improvement cost as a huge organization would who fabricates more item. Cost effective organizations keep its capital, work, and working costs lower than its rivals. At that point they should likewise give a decent cost to its clients. Gooney bird Anchor should assume the strategy for Six Sigma This will assist with accomplishing a degree of value, decrease costs identified with scrap, adjust, examination, and client disappointment. B. The speed of assembling is a moderate procedure; this is expected just having the option to deliver each kind of stay in turn, which is called clump fabricating. An opportunity to change starting with one procedure then onto the next is 36 hours. The plant space is restricted; it needs more space to have enough hardware to fabricate each grapple simultaneously. The organization needs to execute a score card to help with the tasks systems. The decent scorecard has advanced from its initial use as a straightforward exhibition estimation structure to a full vital arranging and the board framework. †(http://www. balancedscorecard. organization/BSCResources/AbouttheBalancedScorecard/tabid/55/Default. aspx) C. The adaptability of taking care of a request with Albatross Anchor is non -existent. The assembling region is too little to even consider making the two grapples simultaneously. On the off chance that a request comes in and should be delivered in a rush they can't do this, in view of the absence of innovation in having a machine to create both without a since quite a while ago set up time. Adaptability is significant if an organization is to react rapidly to changes in the business. Time is cash. Organizations that can configuration, produce, and circulate their items quicker than the contenders will have the high ground. (Russell and Taylor, 2007, Operations Management: Creating Value Along the Supply Chain, pg. 124. ) D. The innovation at Albatross Anchor is out of date and denied and is not, at this point up to principles. The assembling procedure isn't equipped for consistent creation. An opportunity to change starting with one procedure then onto the next is excessively long. The gear and procedure ought to be update, or supplanted. The assets for these activities are viewed as a capital speculation. Gooney bird ought to consider making this speculation to positively affect the assembling procedure. When the organization makes the speculation into new gear, they will likewise need to put into preparing the representatives to run the new hardware. The organization may need to have recently recruited employees, ones that can carry out the responsibility with less preparing. E. The limit and offices have out developed what the organization has now. The organization was intended to be a little producer. Gooney bird is perched on 12 sections of land of land they would have the option to extend to prepare for better innovation. They have a lot of land to turn into a forceful present day organization, who is delivering a top quality item. They can be the top maker of grapples with the progressions that need to occur. Limit is the most extreme sum fit for creating. Another for what reason to grow the limit is to consider re-appropriating. Redistributing would become an integral factor when they can't set up the gear and they have to deliver item to fulfill a request. A few interesting points are the expense of making the item, for example, work, crude materials, and overhead. The offices should be made bigger. The zone that holds the crude materials ought to be extended and ought to be near the getting territory. Completed items ought to be near the delivery region. This would eliminate time by not moving item from such a significant distance. The getting and delivery ought to be together as an afterthought where imports and fares are finished. F. Administration to clients isn't generally excellent. Long lead times and terrible transportation strategies are cause for issues. Availability and accommodation are likewise a reason for concern. By offering a quality item, have the option to meet requests and a dash of individualized client support, you increase the value of your contribution and your clients experience a more significant level of fulfillment. The procedure of benchmarking can likewise help take care of a portion of the issue and help to improve as an organization. â€Å"Benchmarking is the way toward estimating an association's inner procedures at that point distinguishing, understanding, and adjusting extraordinary practices from different associations viewed as best-in-class†(http://www. benchnet. com/wib. htm) The scorecard will likewise help figure out where the issues exist in the administration region. Gooney bird needs to think of new plans of grapples to be increasingly serious, this will give the clients more alternatives to look over, piece the organization has to realize how to cause the way toward making the stays to go smoother and quicker. In light of the necessities and view of their objective clients, they ought to either improve their items or decrease the expense of the item to upgrade client esteem. There are six things that impact a customer’s purchasing choice they are selling value, quality, steadfastness, adaptability, time, and administration. These are on the whole thing that an organization must remember to pick up and keep clients. Clients would prefer not to purchase results of the organizations that they can't trust. They need trustworthy makers. Question Two There are numerous ways that mushroom/chime stays might be produced. Gooney bird Anchor is thinking about two new assembling forms (Process An and Process B) to decrease costs. From the accessible data underneath figure out which procedure has the most reduced breakeven point (this approves the procedure is more financially savvy) and report your examination and supporting end. For each procedure the accompanying fixed expenses and variable expenses have been recognized:
Monday, August 10, 2020
Job Adverts How to Write the Perfect Job and Recruitment Advertisement
Job Adverts How to Write the Perfect Job and Recruitment Advertisement Creative Engineer Anyone going into the job market to look for possible employment has his eye out for a specific type of announcement in whatever media he may think of looking into. Once he opens the Classifieds section of the newspaper or any publication, his eyes will immediately be drawn to a specific type of advertisement, containing the information he is looking for or may be interested in.When he goes online and logs on to any of the job boards or job sites he has signed up with, he will immediately click on the area containing the advertisements that may be related to his job skills and competencies. Even his social media feeds may also be filled with items containing information on job openings in various companies and firms.These are what we all know as job advertisements or, in short, job adverts. Contrary to what some people may expect, these advertisements, which may range from a few phrases to a block of narrative text with a lot of graphics thrown in, actually require a lot of attention and effort on the part of the one creating them.If you are one of those people who are wondering what it takes to come up with job adverts that are effective enough to grab jobseekers’ attention, resulting in the advertised job opening to be filled with the right person, then you’ve come to the right place. © Shutterstock.com | Syda ProductionsIn this guide, we will provide you with an overview of job advertisements, their importance, different types of job ads, and how to write a great job ad using the major components.AN OVERVIEW OF JOB ADVERTISEMENTSBefore we can move on to crafting job advertisements, however, it is important to gain a full understanding of what job advertisements are.A job advertisement is basically a paid announcement about a job opening or vacancy in a company or organization. It is one of the many components of a recruitment process, and considered to be one of the essential tools used by hiring managers, recruiters and human resource professionals in order to fill existing openings or needs for skills and manpower in organizations, companies and firms.When you say “job advertsâ€, the first medium that will probably come to mind is the classified ads section of newspapers. But that is not the only place where you can find these job advertisements these days. Newspapers and publications with sections devoted entirely to job advertisements. Traditional and old-school recruitment processes still entail the publication of job adverts in publications of local and national circulation. There are even magazines that are specifically and purely targeted towards jobseekers and headhunters, and they are filled with job adverts.Online job boards and job sites. Thanks to the internet, the recruitment process now has a wider and more dynamic reach. Online job boards, job sites, and other forums that deal with connecting jobseekers with recruiters are also sure places to find job advertisements that cut across industries.Television and other audio-visual multimedia platforms. Job advertisements are also broadcasted over the television and radio, basically announcing that this or that organization is currently looking for someone to fill this or that position.Social media platforms. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn… these are only a few of the many socia l media platforms where you can find job advertisements. Companies with strong social media presence often advertise their job openings in their social media accounts, and their followers are the first ones to know about them.Companies’ and organizations’ bulletin boards. Head over to the offices and headquarters of the companies, and they are likely to have a large space in their lobbies or reception areas that are filled with advertisements regarding vacancies and openings in their ranks.The venue or medium where the adverts appear will vary, depending on several factors, mostly with respect to the size of the company and the nature of the organization, as well as its financial resources. Larger companies that can afford to spend on its recruitment processes may put out its job adverts in multiple platforms, while those who are on a tight budget may opt to pick just one or two.Watch this great explanation on things to consider when writing your job ad. THE IMPORTANCE OF JOB AD VERTISEMENTSProduct advertisements have one goal: to attract consumers into buying the product or service. The same goes for job adverts, since they are designed to attract the suitable candidates for the open position being advertised.How can an organization benefit from an effective job and recruitment advertisement? Let us count the ways.It will increase the chances that the candidates who will apply are suitable for the open position, meaning that the applicants have the skills, talents and competencies required specifically for the job being advertised. A poorly written job advertisement will lead to just about anyone applying for a job, even if they are not qualified for it. For example, a company that is looking for an engineer may find itself pelted with application submissions from people with zero background and knowledge in engineering.It reduces the time spent by recruiters and hiring managers going through applications of unsuitable applicants. In the previous example, they would not waste time sifting through the resumes of people with medical backgrounds, because the job advertisement precisely stated that the company needs an engineer. And it is not just the time spent in the preliminary screening that will be saved, because they will also save time on the rest of the recruitment process. Imagine a hiring manager realizing only during the interview process that the person has no knowledge whatsoever about production engineering processes. That means he just wasted time on that applicant, when it could have been spent on other, more qualified prospects.It improves the quality of staffing of the company. A company’s growth is not just reflected by the numbers, or how much profit it made during its several years of operation. Even the quality of manpower will also be indicative of its growth. Many companies have gained repute for having a structure that is staffed by quality people, with brilliant minds, talents and skills. Another result of thi s is that qualified candidates will be keeping their eyes on the company, in case it has job openings in the future. The company will then have less trouble attracting the top candidates for its open positions.TYPES OF JOB ADVERTISEMENTSJob adverts, just like product and service adverts, also come in different “shapes and sizesâ€, in order to attract more potential applicants. There are two main forms or types of job advertisements:Display advertisementsThese advertisements are designed to be displayed and to grab attention at first glance. It makes use of bold headlines and a generous amount of photographs, illustrations and other graphics. Thus, they are usually prepared with the help of graphic ad designers.In display advertisements, size matters, and so does creativity. The adverts can come in various sizes, and the general principle is “the bigger, the betterâ€. Of course, those with limited budget may settle for adverts the size of a small box, while those with more mone y to spend may pay for job adverts that will be run on full pages of newspapers or magazines. Those who have even more money to spend could even run their advert in two pages, making it a full-spread job advertisement.Classified advertisementsCompared to display advertisements, classified advertisements are simpler and much more straightforward. Think of an entire page filled with job advertisements that, at first glance, essentially look the same. There is a general heading indicating a job category, and under that category will be the job advertisements, which are usually composed of a heading and text relevant to the job being advertised.There is often no room for the company advertising the open position to exercise its creativity in this type of advertisement, and neither does it have the freedom to style it in a way that is sure to grab the attention of jobseekers perusing that page.BASIC ELEMENTS OF JOB ADVERTSAccording to the U.S. Small Business Administration, a job advert is effective if it reflects the role that the selected applicant or candidate will perform once he is hired by the company, as well as the expectations of the employer regarding his performance.Various literature and sources have quoted the basic elements of a successful job posting or advertisement, listing varying numbers of these elements. Some compressed the basic elements into five, namely:Information about the job opening or vacancy: This includes the duties and responsibilities of the position or job opening that the organization aims to fill.Candidate profile: This is an outline of the education, experience, skills and other requirements of the open position.Company information: This provides potential applicants an insight into the working environment.Employee benefits: This includes the salary range and other benefits that the employee who will be chosen for the job will receive once he is employed and performing.The application process: This basically provides instructio n on how the applicants will apply, and where they will send in their application letters and resumes.From the above lists, we can safely say that the basic elements of a job advertisement include the Job Title or Designation, the Job Description, the Company Description, and a Call to Action. We will go into the elements in more detail once we discuss the key points in writing a successful job advertisement.Follow this five tips on writing your job ad. WRITING THE JOB ADVERTISEMENTFactors to Consider Before Writing a Job AdvertisementYour ideal candidate for the job: Before you can write a job description, and the job advertisement, as a whole, you should first know exactly who your ideal candidate for the open position will be. Imagine the type of person, employee or worker that you want performing the tasks that the job entails. By putting yourself in their shoes, you will have an idea what they are looking for in a new working or employment opportunity.The platform for advertisi ng: Where will you post your job and recruitment advertisements? Your medium or choice of advertising platform may have an effect on how you will craft your advert, especially with respect to its styling and design, as well as what you will write in the Call to Action section, where you will instruct interested applicants to apply for the job opening.Your budget for job and recruitment advertising: Publication of job advertisement in newspapers and magazines generally cost money, and the same goes for advertising on television and radio. Knowing how much you are willing and able to spend on the advertising will determine how long the advert will be. If you have allotted more than sufficient money to be able to afford a half-page advertisement, then you will have more leeway on the amount of content you will include in the advert. If budget is tight, and you are given only a small box to fit the advert in, then you have to be more circumspect when choosing what to put in there.Key Po ints in Writing the Job AdvertIn noting the key points that one must remember when writing a successful job and recruitment advertisement, we will follow the seven basic elements as enumerated by the Wentworth Institute of Technology.1. Job Title, or the headlineThis will serve as the Heading or Title of the entire job advertisement. There are some cases where a sub-headline is used, mainly to provide a brief description of the job, as in the case of jobs of a contractual nature, or for a limited period of time only.Use a job title that is industry standard. It should make use of descriptive words that anyone will immediately recognize and understand the moment they lay their eyes on it. While sticking to industry standard job titles, it should also be specific, and one way to do that is to target specific groups based on the area or field of study that the job belongs to. For example, a pharmaceutical company may use words such as “Medical†and “Researcher†in its heading. A healthcare facility may come up with a job advertisement with a title containing words such as “Nursingâ€, “Healthcareâ€, “Caregiverâ€, and others. This will make it easier, say, for a jobseeker with a nursing background to spot the advertisement even when it is listed alongside other similarly-formatted job adverts in a full Classified Ads or Job Wanted page.Job title must be clear and does not mislead anyone who reads it. You are looking for a Software Engineer? Then say so. Writing “An engineer skilled in software development†implies that you welcome applications by anyone with a background in any engineering field, as long as he has knowledge on software development.Job title must be catchy and appealing. This does not mean that you should include a catchphrase in there to grab the attention of jobseekers. It simply means that it must contain keywords that can potentially attract suitable candidates. For example, a job title that says “Clerk†is not as catchy as, say, “Accounting Clerk†or “Administrative Assistantâ€.Keep it simple. Avoid using jargon words. You may also be inclined to use flowery words and adjectives to make it more appealing, but it may only end up becoming ambiguous and off-putting when the reader of the job advert looks at the full context. Remember the goal of writing a job title, which is to tell the readers exactly what the job is. You have more chances to elaborate on that later on in the body of the job advert.[slideshare id=37740417doc=effectivejobpostings1-140806175001-phpapp02w=710h=400]2. The HookUsually, this is the first paragraph of the job advertisement, and it serves as a lure or a lead that answers the following questions:Why would a jobseeker be interested to perform this specific job?What is so unique about this job, setting it apart from other similar jobs? Basically, the hook is where you will try to attract the jobseeker, or anyone reading the job advertisement, even someone who already ha s a job. Some of the hooks or attractions that you can probably include in the first paragraph of the job advertisement are:One or two specific functions of the job that utilizes the primary skill or expertise of the individual. Or it could be anything that will grab the attention and interest of the candidate, and motivate him to respond to the job advertisement. For example, you could write the hook as a sentence, like “Are you creative and innovative? Be our next Junior Designer!†Or they could be simple phrases, such as “seasoned and creativeâ€, “great career opportunityâ€, or even “fun working environmentâ€.Benefits that will be received by the employee who will perform the job, on top of his salary. Examples are subsidies for clothing and housing, and also transportation and representation allowances.Exciting programs and projects that the company is currently working on â€" or will work on in the future â€" where the job and the jobholder will play an active part in.3. Company informationThis is the second paragraph of the job advertisement, and it covers information about the company, including its offerings (products and services) and some more general information that provides a glimpse of the corporate and working culture within the organization.Keep it short. Do not fall into the trap of giving a compressed history of the company. It will be up to the applicants to do further research on the company. Just give them the “bare bonesâ€, so to speak, to introduce the company to them. You may speak briefly about its founding, but focus on the company’s current position or standing in the industry. You want to paint your company to be an attractive prospect as an employer, one that employees would be able to grow in and with.Indicate the services or products of the company. Why is this important, you ask? It is possible that the jobseeker may have never heard of the company, but once he reads the company information and learns its produ cts, it may turn out that he has been a long-term user or consumer of that brand of product or service.Highlight any successes or recent accomplishments of the company. Again, this will provide an insight on the company’s potential for growth. The top candidates are most certainly going to look for employment in companies that are relevant in the industry, and you have to clearly demonstrate that in your job advertisement.Include any information about the working environment and the overall atmosphere in the workplace, since many applicants are also curious about the company or organizational culture that they will be applying to. It is common sense, really: people want to work in a place where they can enjoy their work, and not be worked to the bone like slaves.Include a link to the company website, if any, or other sources where the jobseeker may find more information about the company, in support of the short introduction that you just made in the advert.We come to one issue wh ere you may rethink including the company information in your job advertisement: that is if the company does not want to announce to all and sundry that it is recruiting or hiring. It may be because it is company policy, or it may be because it does not want the competition to catch wind of its recruitment actions.If this is the case, you may opt not to reveal the name of the company. However, you should still include a snippet in there about the type of business that the company is involved in, or the industry it belongs to, such as “a pharmaceutical company†or a “local nursing facilityâ€. Not mentioning anything about is bound to cause more questions than answers and, most likely, low applicant turnout.4. Skills, experience and educationThese are the requirements of the job, meaning that the person who will perform the job must have these skills, experience and education on his first day on the job.Be clear, specific and concise. Upon reading this section of the job advert , the potential applicant should be able to immediately conclude whether they are qualified for the position or not.Choose the essential or critical skills, instead of listing ALL the skills that you want the person to have. Keeping the required list short will accomplish the task of attracting jobseekers, instead of boring them and, worse, even overwhelming them to the point that they will be discouraged to apply for the job. Similarly, you have to identify every detail about the experience that you want the candidates to have. If you are also looking for specific certifications and accreditations, such as a professional certification or license, spell that out in the job advertisement.Make a clear distinction between requirements and additional qualifications. You must distinguish the “must-have†qualifications and skills from the other qualifications and skills that are “nice to haveâ€, but not really strictly needed in the applicant. For instance, you may create two sep arate categories for the skills, one for the required skills and the desired skills, which are appropriately described as “desired or preferred, but not requiredâ€. This will encourage more applicants to apply because, even if they do not have those desired skills, they are not strictly required, which means that their application may still have a chance. This is in direct contrast when you list down all the skills as “required†(or make no differentiation or qualification), resulting in less applications received by the company.In many cases, employers also specify some preferences or “special criteria†that the applicants must be able to meet in order to qualify. This is one of the ways that hiring managers can eliminate applicants that are unqualified, or fall short of their expectations. For example, a job advert for a project manager or project team leader may ask applicants to include a project proposal along with their application letters and resumes, in order to b e given a job interview. This requirement should also be clearly stated in the job advertisement.Avoid listing personality traits since, technically, these are not skills. Personality traits such as “proactiveâ€, “outgoingâ€, and “with pleasing personality†are not measurable, and are even subjective. It is easy for applicants to convince themselves that they have these personality traits, for the simple reason that they want to apply for that job. Some may resort to imitating these behaviors and pretending to have them when everything else says otherwise. Listing items that are considered to be rhetorical is also not recommended. Examples are “hardworking†and “with strong work ethicâ€. It is a given that the employer would want to hire workers who have these traits, so it would not make sense to include them in the job advert. You may only end up making the advert unnecessarily long, taking up space that you can use for other, more important content.5. Responsibil ities of the positionThis is where you will indicate the tasks, activities, duties and responsibilities that the future jobholder will perform on a regular basis. The purpose of this is to clearly state the purpose of the job, and provide a glimpse of its relationship to the other positions within the organization or company.List down the major responsibilities. Do not include all the tasks that will be performed by the employee, because you may end up with a job advert that is more than two pages long. If there are a lot of responsibilities, select three to five of the major ones, or those that take up a large bulk of the time of the jobholder.Be specific about the role of the would-be employee, especially with regards to his skills and experience, and even educational background. This is so that the advertisement will discourage those who are not qualified, or who do not meet the minimum requirements, from applying for the open position.Start the responsibilities and duties with a ction words. Action words provide more impact and give more weight to the actual functions of the job. “Updates ledgers and inventory records†certainly comes across as having more impact than stating it as “maintenance of ledgers and inventory recordsâ€. “Preparation of letters and communications†sounds a bit vague when compared to, say, “writes letters and communicationsâ€. Use action verbs that directly describe the action that will be performed by the jobholder.Make sure you describe the job responsibilities in a powerful like stated in the following video. 6. Compensation and BenefitsThere are instances when companies do not include any information regarding compensation. Which should not be the case. As early as the job advertisement, the elephant in the room must be addressed because â€" let’s face it â€" a very large part of the reason why people look for jobs is the pay. They want jobs with handsome pays, or where they will receive pay that is commensurate to the work that they are expected to put in.Indicate that money comes with the employment opportunity. For many, this may seem like a foregone conclusion, but it is still important to state that fact. There are several ways to go about this, and some of the most popular and commonly used phrases are “with competitive pay†and “compensation commensurate with skills and experienceâ€.Again, be specific. You may not be able (or are unwilling to) state the exact salary or compensation that the eventual jobholder will receive once he gets the job, but what you can do is put in a salary range or average instead. In fact, a range is more recommended than stating the monthly or annual rate up front, because it means that there is room for increases or income growth as the employee stays longer in the job or performs better. Another advantage of putting in a salary range is that you will eliminate the risks of entertaining applicants who want to be paid more than what you are offering for the job. Naturally, the moment that a jobseeker with high expectations with respect to a salary find that the range stated in the advert is not what he had in mind, he will move on to other advertisements.Provide a list of benefits that will be offered along with the job. By breaking down the benefits, you will be able to attract the potential applicants further. Of course, this does not mean that you should include all benefits, including free lunches on Wednesdays or carpooling privileges. Select the benefits that will appeal more to your candidates, such as retirement benefits, health and medicare insurance, transportation allowances, and other subsidies.7. Call to actionAt the end of the job advertisement, you are now going to tell the prospective applicant what to do in order to apply for the job.Shape it in the form of a direct message to the reader. You are talking directly to him, enticing him to apply for the job, and telling him exactly how to go about it.Provide a cl ear outline of the next steps that the applicant needs to take. Make sure the following are addressed:How to apply for the open position, whether you accept online applications, actual physical submission of documents, or submission of application via email.Where to direct their applications (e.g. mailing address, email address, or the actual address of the place where applicants may personally submit their application letters and documents, and contact numbers)What documents to submit aside from, of course, their application letters and resumesThe inclusive dates of acceptance of application, putting emphasis on any deadline of submissionKeep the application process as simple as you can. Do not inundate them with a lot of steps to follow in order for them to be able to get their resumes to you. By keeping it straightforward and simple, more candidates will apply, and you will also have greater chances of attracting the stronger ones.You will notice in the above points that there is one underlying principle that must be followed by anyone preparing a job advertisement, and that is to be specific. Be specific when writing the job title, when listing the required skills and qualifications, when providing information about the company, the job, and the compensation and benefits.Design of the Job AdvertisementThis pertains to the format and presentation, or the look and feel, of the job advertisements. Your goal, as the one writing a job advertisement, is to create one with a design that focuses on clarity, with the use of text and layout, while maintaining a professional image for the advertisement, and for the company advertising.While it is true that the different media or platforms where job advertisements may be posted or published have their own unique characteristics, the same design concept will still apply. This is actually another challenge posed towards creators of job advertisements: to come up with an advert that will work whether published in newspap ers and magazines, or uploaded in social media, job websites and other online job boards.In writing a job advertisement, the tried-and-tested AIDA selling format is highly recommended.AIDA stands for Attention, Desire, Interest, and Action.First, the job advertisement must be able to attract the attention of readers, especially the targeted jobseekers. This refers to the headline or banner portion, often containing the job title.The advertisement must be able to establish relevant interest in the targeted candidates, meaning the information imparted must relate to how the reader thinks and feels about certain issues.The job advert must be able to create desire among the targeted candidates, encouraging them to pursue a great opportunity (in this case, the job itself). You may play up the appeal of the job (such as the challenges and opportunities for growth that it entails) and the rewards that the reader may aspire to.The job advert must have a straightforward call to action, provi ding clear instructions on what the interested applicants should do next. It could either be a prompt for them to call a number for more information, or to send a letter, a resume or CV to a specific address, or to download an online application form, if it utilizes this platform.When designing, styling or formatting your job advertisement, take note of the following:DO:Make it quick and easy to read. Readers do not want to have to go through a lot of words and lists before they get to the main point of the advert, which is to convince them to apply for the job.Use a font style that is professional-looking (avoid script font styles or those with elaborate and fancy designs). The most commonly used font styles are Arial and Tahoma (for sans serif fonts) and Times and Times New Roman (for serif fonts).Adopt a font size that is neither too small nor too large. Keep in mind that not all readers have the same 20/20 vision as you. A font size between 12 and 20 point-sizes is safe for the heading and subheadings, if any, while the main text’s font size should be somewhere between 10 and 12 points.Check for any grammatical and typographical errors. Proofread several times if you must, and have other people go over it, until you are satisfied that it is error-free.Try to keep your sentences short using, on average, fifteen words per sentence. Shorter often means clearer, and it is also easier to read. Aside from complicated words, you should also try to avoid using word contractions such as “don’tâ€, “can’tâ€, and “haven’tâ€.Keep your paragraphs short. If you have a paragraph that is essentially a large block of text, chances are high that the reader will not bother reading and trying to understand the whole thing.Make sure there are enough white or empty spaces around the text so that the eyes are drawn to what is written. If you put them too closely together, the whole advert will look too cramped, and will not entice people to read it, because they will feel like they will simply be sifting through many text.Make sure to draft your want ad the right way. This is an interesting take on writing a job advertisement. DO NOT:Go overboard with graphics and illustrations. These may only become distractions and overshadow the message you are trying to convey.Use upper case or capital letters in your advert. Can you use capital letters in the heading? Yes, you may, but it is not really recommended. This is because many people find it difficult to read words written in all capitals.Be free with the use of italics. Somehow, italicized words are more difficult to read. If you should want to put emphasis, embolden or underline the words you want to emphasize instead.Play around with colors. You may think it is good design sense to use a colored or patterned background and overlay other, darker, colored text over it. This may just make the advert look tacky, and the strong candidates may not take it seriously. Stick to black or dark-colored text for better contrast and easier readability.Other Tips on Writing the Perfect Job and Recruitment AdvertisementUse simple words, in a language that your targeted candidates use and understand. Remember that you are talking to them through the advertisement, so you should be speaking their language. As much as possible, use layman’s terms, and avoid being too technical about it unless, of course, the job title and the job description call for the use of the technical terms. For example, when you are looking for an Accountant, you may use the words “Quickbooks†and “IFRS†(International Financial Recording Standards), since these are terms that your targeted candidates â€" certified public accountants â€" will definitely recognize and understand.Avoid exaggerations. So you want to attract as many applicants as possible, with the hope that the top candidates will be among them. That is why you decided to “pad†the advert, just a little bit, in order to get their atte ntion. Little or big exaggeration is still exaggeration, and this is a way of misleading potential applicants. Another risk of exaggerating the content of your job advert is that you are also increasing the likelihood that the applicants are gullible and, worse, poor or non-performers. They are aware that the job you advertised may be too good to be true, yet they still applied for it. That means they are also the type to have unrealistic expectations from their job and their employer. As an employer, you definitely would not want to be saddled with an employee like that.Since you are basically talking to the target candidate, use the second person point of view when writing. This means the use of the pronouns “youâ€, “your†and “yoursâ€. This will give the reader â€" your target â€" a sense of involvement, as if you are asking them directly to apply for the job.Use bullet points when listing details or items. This will make the job advertisement easier to read as opposed to, say, a block of text containing a narrative of what you are looking for. The applicant may fail to identify the salient points of the job advert, and you may end up receiving applications from unqualified applicants, for the simple reason that they did not fully understand what they read in the advertisement. At the same time, when listing, make sure they are ordered and organized in a sensible and concise manner. Steer clear from being too wordy and, as a result, overshadowing the true message that you want to convey by creating lists. Do not feel the need to explain yourself in great length, because there is still the rest of the recruitment process to do exactly that.Do not mention anywhere on the job advertisement any preferences when it comes to gender (except when the nature of the job calls for it) and sexual preferences, religious affiliation, origins, family situations, political orientations, and the absence of medical conditions or handicap. This will render your adve rt as discriminating and turn people off from applying.EXAMPLE OF AN EFFECTIVE JOB ADVERTISEMENTTake a look at the following sample, posted in Google Careers, that contains all the elements of an effective job advert, and observing the tips and tricks discussed.Creative EngineerGoogleUser Experience DesignMountain View, CA, USAGoogle is known for its speed and clean design, and our websites must also be fast and clean. Our Webmaster team creates and maintain Googles web sites. As a Webmaster, you collaborate with Marketing and Engineering teams to create compelling, efficient and accessible web pages. You work independently on many projects, but also take directions from team members across the organization. The impact of your work is huge as millions of users traffic our websites every day.As a Creative Engineer, you will work on different product areas across Google, with your web content taking center stage in product launches, events, and marketing campaigns. You will partner w ith Product, UX, and your team to build front-end web experiences. You will use your experience to drive medium to large-sized tasks and projects while exercising considerable independent judgment and discretion.You will be responsible for the creation of high quality, world-class web content for desktop and mobile devices. You will engineer front-end components that will present information in new, innovative, and creative ways. Your work will require a focus on compatibility, accessibility, and internationalization.Your components should be modular, reusable, and well documented to the benefit of the greater team. You will experiment with emerging technologies and discuss their merits with fellow team members.At Google, were always trying to provide our users with the fastest services possible. Google Fiber works to go the very last mile, providing fiber-optic Internet connections directly to users homes. Were building one of the fastest networks in America so that users can exper ience the future of broadband because we know that your Internet connection can never be too fast.ResponsibilitiesArchitect, develop, and maintain an innovative, engaging, and informative web siteCollaborate with Marketing, Product, and Engineering partnersBe able to multitask while meeting tight deadlinesChallenge established thinking and discover new ways of approaching and solving a problemQualificationsMinimum qualifications:BA/BS degree or equivalent practical experience.4 years of experience developing mobile websites and applications.HTML5, CSS3, OO JavaScript and Python development experienceExperience with content management systems. Experience using templating language (e.g., Jinja or Django)Preferred qualifications:BS or MS in Computer Science or equivalentExperience with JavaScript libraries (e.g., Closure, AngularJS)Experience with Google App Engine, Google Custom Search, and Google AnalyticsFluency in Canvas/CSS animationFluency in one or more of: Python, Java, C/C++St rong consistency and attention to detailThe above example is taken directly from the Google Careers website, the jobs portal of the giant Google. Reading through the whole thing will reveal that it contains all the basic elements of an effective job advert. There may not be a clear-cut call to action, but the web page has a clearly visible APPLY button on the top right corner that interested applicants can simply click on if they want to apply for the job.When you look at it, writing a job and recruitment advertisement pretty much follows the same principles as when you write other forms of advertising. The goal is the same, although the subjects may be different. You are talking to jobseekers, encouraging them to take the action that you want, which is to apply for the open position in your company.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Should College Athletes Be Paid - 1390 Words
A highly debated topic in college sports today is whether or not schools should begin to pay their athletes. As major college sports become more popular, more money is being brought into universities because of their athletics. High level Division 1 coaches and athletic directors make millions of dollars, and some are the highest paid state employees if they are at a public institution. Because of the profits athletes can generate for schools, student-athletes should receive some amount of compensation in addition to any scholarships they have. In my essay, I will present the argument for and against paying college athletes on an economic level. I will also examine recent court cases involving the issue. Athletes being paid illegally†¦show more content†¦Personally, I am a pitcher on the baseball team. I hope that I can get a shot one day at playing professionally. In order to do this, I workout on my own time, throw on my own during Christmas break, and I playing su mmer baseball that spans all but about 2 weeks over my summer. With all of this time dedicated to keeping in shape and able to perform well to keep a scholarship, as well as school, there is no time to get a job on campus or during break to start paying off loans. In the case of California State University-Fresno, the school’s paper writer suggests, â€Å"The school mandates that no student should be paid more than 20 hours per week while school is in session. That sounds like a fair deal†(Livingston). He says this because he is suggesting that since athletes don’t get the chance to have a job, why not pay them for the allowed times to work for any other student. Athletes generally have at least 20 hours a week dedicated to practices, so it would be a fair trade off. One other argument that paying college athletes should be done is that because of the large profits that they generate, they should see some of the money. To give an idea of just how much the N CAA alone makes, â€Å"The NCAA had $60,908,876 in net assets for the year ending Aug. 31, 2013, bringing its total net assets of $627,325,275. It distributed nearly $504 million to Division I members†(Doyle). Later, I will discuss individual programs and how much individual schools can make in a year off
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Effects Of Aggression And Video Games - 1882 Words
The Effects of Aggression and Video Games in Females Grace Freeman University of Missouri Introduction Video games have been in existence for over two decades. Much research has been done on the effects that video games have on aggression in males. Aggression in females is an aspect that has not been studied nearly as much. Video games lead to more aggression (Gabbiadini, 2014). Non-violent video games do not show as high levels of aggression as violent video games (Farrar, Krcmar, Nowak, 2006). Aggression is defined as hostile or violent behavior or attitudes toward another (Merrian-Webster, 2015). Violence in video games has become an ever increasing issue as more studies are being conducted that report high levels of aggression. Over forty percent of the gaming market is now estimated to be female (Sydell, 2013). Fifteen percent of the Grand Theft Auto franchise players are estimated to be female (Sydell, 2013). Repeated exposure to violent video games is linked to serious forms of aggression and violence (Farrar, Krcmar, Nowak, 2006). Violent game play provides a learning envi ronment for real-word behavior, including aggressive acts. (Farrar, Krcmar, Nowak, 2006). The focus of the current study is to show that aggression in females tends be the same as aggression in males and that brief exposure to violent video games should increase physiological arousal and aggressiveness. Early research by Cooper and Mackie (Cooper Mackie, 1986) discovered thatShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Video Games On Levels Of Aggression1115 Words  | 5 PagesIn â€Å"The Effect of Online Violent Video games on Levels of Aggression†Jack Holligdale and Tobias Greitemeyer want to find out the effects video games have on aggression. Violent video games have previously been identified to be the most popular video games played by consumers. Research into the effect of violent video games on levels of aggression has led to concerns that they may pose a public health risk (Holligdale Greitemeyer, 2014). Holligdale and Greitemeyer examined whether playing a FPSRead MoreViolent Video Game Effects On Aggression3491 Words  | 14 Pages Violent Video Game Effects on Aggression Delaney Granger William Jewell College Author Note Delaney Granger, William Jewell College This research was completed to fulfill requirements for a Psychology Capstone course instructed by Dr. Ray Owens. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Delaney Granger, Psychology Department, William Jewell College, Liberty, MO 64068. E-mail: grangerde@william.jewell.edu â€Æ' Abstract The effect of violent video games has constantly beenRead MoreArticle Summary : Effect Of Violent Video Games On Youth Aggression1861 Words  | 8 Pages Article Summary: Effect of Violent Video Games on Youth Aggression Beth L. Lynch APUS October 8, 2014 Abstract For many years researchers, parents, and policy makers have been debating the effect of video game violence on levels of youth aggression. In effect, the arguments have been centered on whether or not exposure to violent media has the power to potentiate violence in children, and whether or not this social influence has the ability, barring all other factors, to engenderRead More The Effects Of Video Game Violence On Human Aggression Essay example1860 Words  | 8 Pagesstudies, participants playing violent video games have consistently shown increases in their aggressive behavior, both during and after the gameplay. A study that linked violent video games to child aggression found that in every group they tested, â€Å"Children who were exposed to more video game violence did become more aggressive over time than their peers who had less exposure†(Harding 1). An increase in aggressive behavior after playing violent video games is quite common in most cases, althoughRead MoreVideo Game Violence And Its Effects On Gamers1205 Words  | 5 PagesVideo Game Violence and its effects on Gamers In recent years there has been a significant increase of shooting incidents, specifically in America. When there is a shooting event the media is quick to question if the suspect had a history of playing violent video games. There is already the initial connection between video game violence and aggression; but is this connection scientifically correct? This topic interests me because of the increase in school shootings and violence. I have personallyRead MoreVideo Games At Columbine High School1397 Words  | 6 Pagesbefore the two committed suicide. Are violent video games to blame for this devastating event? The subject has been a source of controversy both within and outside the scientific community. (INSERT CLEAR FOCUSED HYPOTHESIS HERE) Content analyses show that 89% of video games have some violent content. Half of the video games on the market have extreme violent actions toward other characters. Games, today, are allowing players to not only connect with the game physically, but also emotionally and psychologicallyRead MoreThe Sociological Impact Of Video Games1188 Words  | 5 PagesImpact of Violence in Video Games Video games have had a troubled history of being associated with negative trends in emotional behavior in those who indulge in them. Since the inception of video games more narratively complex than Pong, a great deal of research has been conducted on the psychological and sociological effects of violence and competition in video games. Findings on this topic have been largely divided between two camps, one which believes that violent video games cause violent behaviorRead MoreViolent Video Games And Its Influence On Behavior1187 Words  | 5 PagesViolent Video Games and Its Influence on Aggressive Behaviors What images pop up in your head when you hear the word aggression? Have you ever thought whether violence portrayed in different forms of media make people more aggressive? The immediate reaction to such a word is fighting or violence. Many issues are determinants of aggression but media violence has played a huge role in influencing aggressive behavior. Over the past years, aggression has been tied to numerous video games thatRead MoreDo Video Games Inspire Violent Behavior?1713 Words  | 7 Pagesregarding the effects of violent video games and the development of today’s youth. Many people believe that the violence in video games promotes aggression. According to Doctor Brad Bushman’s article, Do Violent Video Games Increase Aggression? he claims that violent video games leads to aggression because it is interactive process that teaches and rewards violent behavior. Yet others believe that this not the case. Gregg Toppo of the Scientific American, writ es in his article, â€Å"Do Video Games InspireRead MoreVideo Games And Aggression : A Debate Between Socialization Hypothesis And Selection Hypothesis1740 Words  | 7 Pages Feiyang Qian Could Playing Violent Video Games Predict Aggression? A Debate Between Socialization Hypothesis and Selection Hypothesis Bard College Word Count: 1722 Along with the increase of population who play video games, there raised a huge concern about the video games and its possible outcome. One potential issue is the relationship between violent video games and aggression. There are two seemingly competitive hypotheses from previous studies, interpreting the relationship:
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Belonging Essay Body, Feliks Skrzynecki Free Essays
Feliks Skrzynecki Belonging presupposes inclusion and an acceptance of self, satisfying a yearning to be something larger than ourselves. The subjective nature of belonging, however, suggest it is often far more ambiguous and complex. Belonging as a potentially positive force is recognised in the poet’s representation of his father’s connection to his Polis past. We will write a custom essay sample on Belonging Essay Body, Feliks Skrzynecki or any similar topic only for you Order Now The metaphor ‘where his father kept pace only with the Joneses of his minds making’, coupled with the simile, ‘loved his garden like an only child’, captures his father’s immersion in Polish culture and his indifference OR more likely his fathers pretermit to the world around, suggestive of a deep emotive attachment to his garden, which serves as a nexus of his agrarian heritage and ataration or stoic indifference to new cultures. This sense of contentment finds resolution in the tranquillity that shapes his fathers connection to his past, evident in the gentle meandering and lyrical emotive enjambment where the poet describes his father as he ‘sits out the evening with his dog†¦ happy as I have never been’, suggesting that a profound sense of belonging contributes to a positive sense personal identity. Paradoxically, however, Felik’s immersion into his Polish heritage inhibits his capacity to assimilate and contributes to an emotional and psychological rift between father and son. Did your father ever attempt to learn English? ’, this separation is reinforced through the use of direct, rhetorical question that is seemingly a personal attack, combined with the metaphor ‘dancing-bear grunts’ describing the man who opened the personal onslaught on feliks, indicative of a lack of empathy, as well as, hostility between Feliks and his immediate culture, suggesting that b elonging contributes to a negative sense of personal identity. Pegging my tents further and further south of Hadrian’s wall’, this infused combination of metaphor and historical allusion, evokes a sense that his inability to comprehend, as well as, his reluctance to assimilate, recognising the inevitable and inexorable process of separation that invariably accompanies belonging in the vacant space between two cultures. How to cite Belonging Essay Body, Feliks Skrzynecki, Essays
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Journal Of Business Economics Management -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Journal Of Business Economics Management? Answer: Introduction Employee performance and rewards management is a process of rewarding the employees in terms of various benefits, compensations and wages to ensure that the employees are satisfied with their job role, provide their best foot forward and give maximum productivity. The reward management system was introduced after the psychologists studied the behavior of the individuals how the people reacts to rewards and compensations and how it motivates them to continue with their best performance. The psychologists have created certain motivational theories, which are closely related with the ideas of motivational reward system. In this report the article related to Samsung paying reward to the employees will be analyzed, the main issue of rewards will be explored. The topic will also be discussed relating it with the employee relations challenges, performance management, learning and development, motivation and rewards, managing diversity, and employee turnover and retention. Having an efficient system of reward, is compulsory so that the employees come to know in details about their task sand display the skills to do it, they will have the level of motivation required to work and provide best performance. The chief purpose of this report is to identify the issue related to performance reward management, analyze the theories related to the topic and finally to provide solutions to the problem. The Issue Related To Performance and Rewards in the Story The story provided in the article is about the company Samsung, the company has paid special bonus to their employees belonging to their mobile division who were sincere in their work (Haider et al., 2015). Despite of the poor performance of the company for that year, they kept the division running and prevented any unnecessary ramp down in the company, as Samsung was not doing well in business during the year. Samsung has taken up this initiative to motivate their employees during such a trying time by paying them bonuses (Pepper Gore, 2015). According to the words of a Samsung official, Samsung will try to motivate workers through proper compensation. The decision for maximum bonuses to mobile employees includes the company managements hopes to proceed on their given mission under new leadership. The chief issue to identify in this report is to find out the role of rewards and performance pays and how that motivates the employees, whether financial compensation really motivates th e employees to continuing with their best performance, how is compensation related to employee motivation (Joshi et al., 2015). The Theories on Compensation or Rewards and the Performance of Employees To understand which of the components of compensation are better in effectiveness, the theories of remuneration of employees are required to be (Caza, McCarter Northcraft, 2015). There are three such theories of employee compensation Reinforcement and Expectancy theories, Equity theory and Agency theory. Reinforcement Theory According to the Reinforcement theory, the action of a person which is rewarded or appreciated is going to be repeated again(Malik, Butt Choi, 2015). The effect of compensation is that if an employee provides high quality of work and for that, if monetary rewards are given to that employee then he/she will be more likely to continue producing such work again (Lee et al., 2015). Following the same theory, if a high quality performance is not followed by respective compensation then it is likely that such action will never be repeated again in the future (Terera Ngirande, 2014). The theory emphasizes the importance of a person actually experiencing the reward. Expectancy Theory Similar to the Reinforcement theory, Expectancy theory propounded by Victor H. Vroom a professor in Yale School of Management, focuses on the connection between compensations or rewards and behavior(Hameed, Ramzan Zubair, 2014). According to the Expectancy theory, motivation is the product of valence, assistance and individual expectancy. The systems of remuneration can vary when these motivational components will be impacted. Valence of pay and its outcomes remain the same within different remuneration systems. The Expectancy theory deals more with the design of a job and training rather than pay framework. Equity Theory According to Equity theory, the employee who experiences inequity or unfairness in his/ her compensation always seeks to bring in equity(Kala, 2015). The theory proposes equality in the remuneration framework of the employees. The treatment of the employees by their firms holds utmost importance to them. The statement which says a fair day work for fair day pay brings about a sense of equity among the employees. When employees experience inequality then it can result in decrease in productivity, high number of absentees or decrease in revenue of the company. Agency Theory The agency theory emphasizes on the various goals and aims of the stakeholders oh an organization and the ways in which remuneration of an employee can be modified to suit those goals. In a business unit, the two stakeholders are the employees and the employers, employees take upon the role of principals and the employees play the role of agents (Aslam et al., 2015). It is natural that the employees expect high agency costs while the employers seek to minimize it. According to the agency theory the employer or the principle must pick a contracting plan that can adjust the interests of the employees or the agents with the interests of the employer. These agreements can be delegated either behaviour oriented (e.g. merit pay) or outcome oriented (e.g. stock option schemes, profit sharing, and commission) At the primary sight, outcome oriented contracts appear to be the most favourable arrangement. The benefits enjoyed by the employees increase with the increase in the profits of the company, and at the same time the rewards decrease if the employer experience loss of revenue. The Different Types of Rewards Rewards are required in the organizations and they play a huge role in motivating the employees (Howard,Turban Hurley, 2016). They serve the purpose of achieving higher organizational goals, help in securing better quality of employees and to increase their annual revenue. The foremost objective is to build individuals' eagerness to work in one's organization, to upgrade their efficiency. There are two sorts of prizes: Extrinsic rewards: solid amount of rewards that the employees receive. Bonuses: By and large consistently, Bonuses impels the employees to put in all endeavors and tries in the midst of the year to achieve more than a satisfactory assessment that grows the likelihood of obtaining a couple of pay as particular sum (De Gieter Hofmans, 2015). The plans related to bonuses differs within organizations; while some of the organizations ensure fixed amount of bonuses, on the other hand other organizations pay bonuses to their employees on the basis of their performance throughout the year, this process rather increases the chances of biases to occur and that may ultimately lead to employee dissatisfaction and loss of productivity. Therefore, managers must be careful to remain unbiased. Salary raise: The employees achieve this type of rewards after a year of hard work, and this raise motivates the employees to gain new skills and improve their performance. The raise in salary results in the long term job satisfaction of the employees. In these, kind of situations related to salary raise the managers should remain unbiased and judge the employees only according to their performance and there should not be any discrimination among the employees. Gifts: These types of rewards are a short-term based appreciation method. Fundamentally presented as a token of gratefulness for an achievement or obtaining an affiliations needed goal (Clot et al., 2015). Any employee would hold this kind of compensation in high regards and they would gain confidence in their work. This kind of reward ensures the employee that his/her way id the correct one and thus they try to keep up the good work in the future as well. Promotion: This is quite similar to the salary raise medium of compensation. Promotions tend to create a long-term satisfaction in the minds of the employees (Al-Emadi, Schwabenland Wei, 2015). This is done by allowing an employee to rise to a higher designation and by providing a higher title; this will of course come with an increase in the responsibilities and accountability. The interest of the employee is increased in this sort of reward as they believe that the administrators will choose the people who will prove to suit the designations best. In this type of rewards as well the people who are in the management should be careful to pick the candidates based on their merits only. Intrinsic rewards: these types of rewards tends to provide certain levels of personal satisfaction to the employees. Information / feedback: This is a significant type of reward which is followed by the effective managers as it holds huge importance to the employee as well as for the management. Feedbacks offer guidance to the employees whether in a positive manner or in a negative manner. This process at the same time create a bond and also adds value to the management and employee relationship. Recognition: Recognition can be explained as the verbal form of appreciation. This kind of reward may be provided to the individual employee through formal meetings or under informal conditions. Trust/empowerment: In the societies or in any organizations, trust is a vital requirement between two individuals or between an employee and the organization. Trust is important in order to complete the tasks successfully, this leads to increase in accountability and helps in winning the confidence of the management, and it also adds importance to the decisions taken by the employee (Aruna Anitha, 2015). Thus, this type of reward will benefit the organizations and provide them the idea that two minds are always better than one. Intrinsic rewards improves the employee to feel valued in the organization, while Extrinsic rewards center around the execution and exercises of the representative with a specific end goal to achieve a specific result. Importance of Rewards or Compensation The compensation system will only be ideal when it will affect the efficiency of the employees in a positive manner and the results will improve. Rewards will encourage the employees to make better performance and to achieve their respective goals, the process of job evaluation will also be improved, and the standards to meet will be also set in a realistic manner(Deery Jago, 2015). The process of achieving compensation should be set in a simple and manner so that the employees feel comfortable to understand the same and work towards achieving their own rewards. The purpose of the rewards and compensation should be to enhance the morale of the employees and to create a bond between the managers and the employees. Conclusion To conclude, Employee reward system is a method set by the companies to retain their employees, to increase the job satisfaction and to improve the quality of performance of the employees. Rewards are different from salary but may be offered in terms of money and in other ways. A reward framework comprises of money related prizes and worker benefits, which together include add up to compensation, it also has non-financial rewards and, in several cases, processes related to performance management. Employees are encouraged by both Extrinsic as well as Intrinsic rewards, to be successful, the reward framework must have both the reward types. All reward framework depends on goals to retain, manage, please and to improve the productivity of the employees. Monetary rewards are an important aspect of the reward framework, but there are several other factors, which motivate the employees to improve the level of their performance. The reward practices and procedures are associated through a l aborers' point of view where the reward organization ought to evaluate the wants, wants and needs of delegates as accomplices in the affiliation. Contemplations have additionally to be given to the necessities or perspectives of different partners, particularly proprietors in the private segment and governments, nearby specialists and trustees somewhere else. Reference list: Al-Emadi, A. A. Q., Schwabenland, C., Wei, Q. (2015). The vital role of employee retention in human resource management: A literature review.IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior,14(3), 7. Aruna, M., Anitha, J. (2015). Employee retention enablers: Generation Y employees.SCMS Journal of Indian Management,12(3), 94. Aslam, A., Ghaffar, A., Talha, T., Musthaq, H. (2015). Impact of compensation and reward system on the performance of an organization: An empirical study on banking sector of Pakistan.European Journal of Business and Social Sciences,4(8), 319-325. Caza, A., McCarter, M. W., Northcraft, G. B. (2015). Performance benefits of reward choice: A procedural justice perspective.Human Resource Management Journal,25(2), 184-199. Clot, S., Andriamahefazafy, F., Grolleau, G., Ibanez, L., Mral, P. (2015). Compensation and Rewards for Environmental Services (CRES) and efficient design of contracts in developing countries. Behavioral insights from a natural field experiment.Ecological Economics,113, 85-96. De Gieter, S., Hofmans, J. (2015). How reward satisfaction affects employees turnover intentions and performance: an individual differences approach.Human Resource Management Journal,25(2), 200-216. Deery, M., Jago, L. (2015). Revisiting talent management, work-life balance and retention strategies.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,27(3), 453-472. Haider, M., Rasli, A., Akhtar, S., Yusoff, R. B. M., Malik, O. M., Aamir, A., ... Tariq, F. (2015). The impact of human resource practices on employee retention in the telecom sector.International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues,5. Hameed, A., Ramzan, M., Zubair, H. M. K. (2014). Impact of compensation on employee performance (empirical evidence from banking sector of Pakistan).International Journal of Business and Social Science,5(2). Howard, L. W., Turban, D. B., Hurley, S. K. (2016). Cooperating teams and competing reward strategies: Incentives for team performance and firm productivity.Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management,3(3). Joshi, A., Neely, B., Emrich, C., Griffiths, D., George, G. (2015). Gender research in AMJ: An overview of five decades of empirical research and calls to action thematic issue on gender in management research.Academy of Management Journal,58(5), 1459-1475. Kala, C. (2015). Employee performance appraisal, rewards recognitionsa study in GK Roofing Private India Limited.ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics Management Research,5(6), 260-266. Lee, H., Lim, D., Kim, H., Zo, H., Ciganek, A. P. (2015). Compensation paradox: the influence of monetary rewards on user behaviour.Behaviour Information Technology,34(1), 45-56. Malik, M. A. R., Butt, A. N., Choi, J. N. (2015). Rewards and employee creative performance: Moderating effects of creative self?efficacy, reward importance, and locus of control.Journal of Organizational Behavior,36(1), 59-74. Pepper, A., Gore, J. (2015). Behavioral agency theory: New foundations for theorizing about executive compensation.Journal of management,41(4), 1045-1068. Terera, S. R., Ngirande, H. (2014). The impact of rewards on job satisfaction and employee retention.Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences,5(1), 481.
Monday, March 23, 2020
The Jesus I Never Knew By Philip Yancey free essay sample
The impact of Jesus on human history is so obvious that many writers are always inspired to write about Him. Many have written about Him and His teachings, but few have actually been as personal as Philip Yancey’s The Jesus I Never Knew. Intriguing as the title is, this paper looks at the more personal Jesus under Yancey’s writing. The book’s main strength is the progression of the character and personhood of Jesus that the author takes his readers toâ€â€a journey into the Jesus who may seem to have started as an ordinary carpenter but came to be known as the Savior of all men. The author immediately takes his readers into the theme of the paper. Yancey orients readers he took an interest to write about Jesus from the very start, because as a child, he knew about Jesus as â€Å"a child singing Jesus Loves Me in Sunday school, addressing bedtime prayers to ‘Lord Jesus,’ watching Bible Club teachers move cutout figures across a flannelgraph board. We will write a custom essay sample on The Jesus I Never Knew By Philip Yancey or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He also associated Jesus with Kool-Aid and sugar cookies and gold stars for good attendance. The author gets the reader’s empathy as similar experiences come to mind. Yancey’s description of Jesus physical appearance is also very similar to most of the other people’s experience such as seen in the first two paragraphs alone. Here, the author has his readers under his watchful guide as to how he perceives Him. Indeed, during the Christian era, Jesus was the best example of a servant leader. Despite His divine power and qualities, he remained humble and followed God’s commandments even until his death. He was a good leader for all. Being a leader for Jesus also means being a servant for all. He told his apostles that if any one wants to lead, he must also be a good servant. For Jesus, a leader as a servant must be humble, unselfish and unworldly. As Yancey takes his readers on this journey, readers experience the discovery as much as the author. Thus, there is no feeling that he has experienced or known Jesus more than the other person. Yancey’s role is more of an inspiration that motivates people to look and see the biblical Jesus and what drives Him to do what He does. Philip Yancey addresses the theme of his book and puts it as,  â€Å"The God Who fills the universe imploded to become a peasant baby Who, like every infant that has ever lived, had to learn to walk and talk and dress Himself.†Jesus’ life and teachings can be glimpsed from the way the author depicts Him as devoid of any stereotyping, given to a well-known character. Instead, readers grasp the true meaning of his coming to this earth. He divides the book into three categories and simplifies the flow of thoughts. The novel is divided into three main sections such as Jesus’ personhood, His mission and purpose and His legacy. Thus, readers are able to identify well with Him like any other human being born in this earth. However, Yancey goes even further as readers see the depth of His character. His purpose on earth is explained well as we see how the author explains the Beatitudes and His resurrection. Jesus Christ’s redemptive work on the cross, is the ultimate sacrifice so man will be saved and so that we might be able to come to God without worrying if we were righteous enough or if sinners could come to God. When Christ died for our sins, that was the payment for all of man’s past, present and future sins and it means that no sin remains unforgiven. With this knowledge, we should be confident in the fact that we are already right with the Lord. That, although Christ by His work has earned forgiveness for all, there are still certain conditions which God demands of people before He will pronounce them righteous. Because of the purity that we are able to attain through the saving power of Jesus Christ, we are able to walk in fellowship with the Lord. There is also a false teaching that was believed before and that was taught to many. For some reason, some people have been taught: That a person is able to bring about his own justification or that of anyone else by his own faculties, abilities, or works. This is not true because man is sinful and his ways are fallen so he cannot reconcile with a Holy God through a sinful manner in the first place. Whatever man does in order for him to attain justification, it will fall short of the glory of God because a sinful person will do it through fallen means.†People can only be right by receiving the gift God gave usthe gift of His Son’s most precious sacrifice which completely gave us the right to be called righteous by our Eternal Father. As in other writings of Yancey, he shows a God who does not give man what he deserves. He has set out to get back His lost sheep, His lost family by any means and through a great sacrifice, He was able to create a means for an unholy people to commune with a Holy God. Philip Yancey writes, â€Å"The same God who created the heavens and earth has the power to bridge the great chasm that separates Him from His creatures. He will reconcile, He will forgive, and no matter what obstacles His prodigal children put in the way. As the prophet Micah says, â€Å"You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.†(Yancey, 1998) Because of God’s great love, he gives man the grace that he needs in order to come back to Him. No matter how many fallacies other churches may teach, His word remains. He is a holy and a loving God; He is a forgiving God who has the compassion to sacrifice His own Son for the illegitimate children who always wants their ways to be given precedence. The grace has been provided and we only need to repent of our sins and be right with God to receive it in its wholeness. Despite all these truths, Yancey’s motivation for even writing about this book spurs one to examine his own life’s direction. For Yancey was both a â€Å"doubter and lover†and he needed to balance it well. When Yancey writes, â€Å"I tend to write as a means of confronting my own doubts,†makes readers take a good look at his own beliefs. Even as he writes, â€Å"Sometimes, I confess, I wonder what difference it should make to my life that a man lived two thousand years ago in a place called Galilee?†Yet these are the very words that make readers want to explore what Jesus was really like and why he would die for someone so far down in history, whom He has never even seen? Yancey emphasizes his point when he says that â€Å"It occurs to me that all the contorted theories about Jesus that have been spontaneously generating since the day of his death merely confirm the awesome risk God took when he stretched himself out on the dissection tableâ€â€a risk he seemed to welcome. Examine me. Test me. You decide.†(p.21). And from there, Yancey gives a clearer view of who the Savior and manages to allow readers to ask themselves gently after reading the book, â€Å" Now who do you say that I am?† Yancey shows his readers the character of Jesus all throughout his book.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Will Rogers essays
Will Rogers essays Will Rogers shaped provided many people with laughter throughout the early 1900's abroad and here in the United States through his many careers he chose. Will Rogers was born on November 4, 1879 in a home his father had built near the Verdigris River bottom lands in the Cooweescoowee District of Indian Territory. His parents were Mary and Clem Rodgers. They named there first son William Penn Adair Rodgers after a distinguished Cherokee, William Penn Adair, who served as his peoples delegate in Washington. Wills father had also served with him during the Civil War. When it was time for Will to go to school he was sent to stay with his sister Sallie. Their home was across the river from the Rogers ranch and near Drumgoul, which was soon to be young Wills first school. It was a little one-room log cabin, all Indian school, jsut four miles east of Chelsea. It was often difficult for Clem to be patient with Will. For he was a stubborn little boy. The activities Will enjoyed the most during his childhood were the rides with his father and the days where he spent every idle moment attempting to improve his roping skills. He had quite a few lariats taken away at school. Will did poorly in school most of the time, mainly because of his lack of interest. All he cared about was roping so that was all he cared to do. His father was constantly sending him to one school or another because he was constantly unsatisfied with Wills progress. One time Will even attended a girls school, because the president also had a boy Wills age. When Wills mother, Mary Rodgers, died of typhoid fever when he was ten it left a lonely, lost feeling That persisted long after he was successful and famous. When Will returned abruptly from one of his schools, Scarritt College, this gave his father an occasion for serious thought. He hoped that the strict discipline ...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Comparing Two Similar Businesses Research Paper
Comparing Two Similar Businesses - Research Paper Example This research paper discuses more about the management strategies essentially in Amazon.com and Borders Books businesses. To arrive at the conclusion of this paper statistical analysis related to the topic of discussion was collected and previous works used. Amazon.com is considered the pioneer in online selling. It expanded in the late 1990s to sell the world’s largest selection of books, DVDs, videos, CDs, electronics, toys, tools, house wares, and kitchen gadgets. Through intermediaries’ conformities, Amazon.com in addition sells products from renowned retailers like Toysrus.com Incorporated., the Borders Group, etc. On the other hand, Borders Group incorporated is the largest after Amazon.com in the United States bookstore chains. It is the fastest rising bookstore chain. It runs 354 superstores in the name of Borders Books and Music. It features books and special events, like live music, and appearances by artists. This research paper analyzed and compared two buss inesses on such topics as management approach each took to Internet marketing and sales, three reasons for Amazon's success despite not turning a profit for the first five to six years, three reasons Borders, although initially successful and profitable, ended up in chapter 11 in relation for bankruptcy safeguard. In conclusion, in order for a company to flourish in the competitive market environment it should adopt the modern marketing strategies like marketing online, designing there website in a way that attracts many customers.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Analysis of Human rights Act 1998 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Analysis of Human rights Act 1998 - Essay Example To abide the above said aims and to appease the people who are hankering for unity and unanimity, the Act incorporates some provisions which extends some rights to the people to enjoy these unity .These provisions give the so called conventional rights to the people from the all area includes offenders, suspects etc. But the question is how far these rights enjoyable to these offenders particularly for suspects whose status is neither in the culprit's nor in the normal persons. The question is whether their rights are being protected aptly or not is a crucial question before the Law. As said above the suspects also enjoy the benefits of the different provisions which meant for the well being of the society. Article 2 of the Act provides everyone present in UK has the right of life and no one can de be deprived of their life, including those such as suspected terrorists or violent criminals. Moreover Article 3 gives the suspects a right to freedom from torturing, inhumane or degrading treatment. It further says that even in times of war or other public emergency, a person has the right not to be treated in these ways .It is a also applicable to the suspects. By sticking to the individual fre... As said above the suspects also enjoy the benefits of the different provisions which meant for the well being of the society. Article 2 of the Act provides everyone present in UK has the right of life and no one can de be deprived of their life, including those such as suspected terrorists or violent criminals. Moreover Article 3 gives the suspects a right to freedom from torturing, inhumane or degrading treatment. It further says that even in times of war or other public emergency, a person has the right not to be treated in these ways .It is a also applicable to the suspects. By sticking to the individual freedom of living own life ,the Act empowers the persons to live in personal privacy taking into the account of rights and freedom of the others and also limits on the extent to which a public authority can do thing which invade your privacy about your body without your permission. The point is well explained in Law Vs R (2) and it was held that the principal purpose of s 8 of the charter was to protect an accused's privacy interests against unreasonable intrusion by the state. In the instant case, the mere fact that the police recovered the stolen property was insufficient to support an inference that the owners voluntarily relinquished their expectation of privacy in the item and the Court confirmed that the officer's conduct constituted an unreasonable search. It followed that there was a violation of s 8 of the charter. Moreover referring the principle 21 of the Body of the principles on detention, which envisages the well being of the suspects who is in detention by prohibiting undue advantage
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Limitations of Forensic Science
Limitations of Forensic Science Over the past decades, Forensic science has evolved and has been embraced by most states as a vital constituent of modern legal practice. It is widely used in courts as a major source for the outcome of a verdict. Forensic science has attained a merit of its own although it is relatively new in the jurisprudence world. As technology and science have evolved with time, more and new methodologies and practices in law realm have been established. In United States (U.S.) specifically, the application of utilizing forensic analysis has become a routine (James,2009). Statement of the problem This report explores the use of forensic science and DNA in the judicial processes, its strengths and limitations. Admissibility and Use of Forensic Evidence in Courts Over the last decades, forensic evidences have taken part in the search for justice to individuals who have been convicted for crimes and also as a link to suspects. It has been cited as a fallible source unlike the eye witnesses. The rate at which forensic evidence is used in criminal courts depends on the type of offence. For example, for murder cases forensic science evidence is presented almost always. In criminal cases, a prosecution team commissions most of the forensic assignments. On the other hand, the legal team of the defendant can commission forensic assignments to challenge or check the prosecutions forensic evidence or to determine the innocence of the defendant. Forensic evidence has enabled to link offenders to their victims and crime scenes using physical evidence and also in identifying individuals without peer. With perspiration, a fleck of blood, saliva on a cups rim, a piece of hair among others has been successfully used to link a suspect to a crime. Innocent and wrongly accused individuals have been exonerated using such evidences. Persons who have been jailed for years have later been exonerated after DNA analysis has been carried out to prove their innocence. To yield positive results, crime laboratories have enforced professionalism, adopted reliable procedures and coordinated with both the legal and the scientific communities. Presently, for a scientific system to be accepted before a court, the evidence derived from it does not have to go through a prescribed test. For future admissibility of scientific evidence in court to be shaped, development of more newer and advanced forensic tools and techniques is being embraced as technology and time progresses. Thus, courts are increasingly relying more on scientific evidence to deliver a judgment. Problems Associated with Forensic Science and DNA Evidence Evidences of forensic science should always be neutral. Scientists should not have any stake in the case outcome though this is not always the case. Numerous deficiencies have threatened to limit forensic services to the society and have therefore weakened its presumed scientific foundation. Below are some of the major problems in forensic science and DNA testing: Astounding Frequency of Cross-Contamination and Sample Mix-Ups A surprisingly high rate of errors in the laboratory is one of the emerging problems which involves cross-contamination and mix-up of DNA samples. Such errors appear to be persistent and crop up even in the accredited DNA labs. The forensic scientists though have managed to reduce such instances and thus the rate of DNA testing errors have been claimed to be low thus negligible, but growing evidence suggests otherwise. Bad Laboratories Uneven state of forensic DNA labs is another recognized chronic problem. Labs differ significantly in the care with which they authenticate their methods and the severity with which they are carried out. Procedures that are followed religiously in quality assurance and quality control in some laboratories are disregarded or followed constantly in others. Bad laboratories have always been there but detection of their shoddy work has always been complex (Neubauer, 2009),. This is because such labs are in jurisdictions which have traditionally safeguarded crime labs from external examination. For example according to Strutin: It is now recognized that the Houston Police Department (HPD) Crime laboratory did grossly inadequate incompetent and biased DNA and serology work for well over a decade before a team of television journalists exposed the problems in late 2002. Dishonest DNA Analysts Test results are at times falsified by deceitful DNA Analysts. This emerging problem has led to the analysts faking test outcome to cover up errors that come up from sample mix-ups and cross-contamination of DNA samples. Connecting the evidence and the suspect Nuclear DNA analysis being an exception, there is no other forensic method that has severely shown the capacity to persistently, with a high degree of assurance, exhibit a connection between a specific individual or source and the evidence. For instance, fingerprint analyses have more available research and conventional protocols than for bite marks analysis. There are also notable variations within the disciplines. For instance, all fingerprints evidence is not equally good reason being that the determination of a true value evidence is the latent fingerprint image quality. These disparities within and between the forensic systems disciplines bring to light a serious problem in the forensic community. Inadequate legal counsel is another major problem DNA testing will not solve. In some instances, defense counsel never consulted scientific experts. DNA Analysis in the forensic science is taking a slow speed on its road to admissibility. Insufficient funds are evident in certain jurisdictions and they therefore cannot send evidence items to private labs or establish own lab. Labs that perform tests have often had backlogs measured in months. A great burden is imposed by defense counsel, prosecutors and courts on labs time in discovery battles that often transpire when there are upcoming new techniques on forensic scenes. Though valuable forensic DNA evidence can be found in decades old samples, the DNA left in scenes of crime can be affected by factors like: sunlight, bacteria, moisture and heat among others. As a result, such DNA may not be used to give evidence and just like the fingerprints, analysts will not use DNA testing to give the time period when a suspect was at the scene of crime or at what time the suspect was there. Exoneration Based on DNA Evidence Cases that would have been impossible to prosecute before the arrival of DNA typing are now prosecuted. A number of states created DNA data bases on offenders that are known which they compare against unsettled crimes. Matches are provided from their databases which assist to successfully prosecute a handful of them. Persons wrongly convicted are exonerated by use of DNA which is termed as a legislative reform movement. Convictions can be successfully challenged using DNA analysis on existing evidence. To ensure that testimony and results can withstand rigorous examination and that they are of high caliber, high standards are maintained for the collection and preserving of evidence. DNA methodology of testing must also meet precise scientific criteria for accuracy and reliability. In future, we expect miniaturized portable instrumentation to provide crime scene analysis that will be computer-link remote analysis. This will allow quick identification and rapid elimination of innocent suspects. Availability of markers will also be needed to identify physical qualities of the DNA contributor. Using this information, it will be easy to narrow a suspect search with increase in efficiency and accuracy of operation. Conclusion It is clear that the United States justice system depends on the use of natural science-based forensic evidence, and admissibility is simply one of the steps evidence must satisfy to be utilized in the justice system. In the near future, it is very likely that the admissibility of science as evidence will be challenged in the United States Supreme Court as technology develops and allows researchers to gain precise results and understanding of the human body. At the present, it is too early to determine whether the Federal Rules of Evidence are outdated, however this does not mean that the construct of the legislation should not be reexamined. Forensic analysis, though controversial in many aspects, constitutes a primary source of information for the tier of fact when determining a verdict for a case. Thus, natural science-based forensic evidence should be carefully studied and examined thoroughly in order for justice to be properly achieved.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
The Ant and the Grasshopper W. Somerset Maugham
There are some beliefs that everyone gets in their whole life, what they deserve, and it is based upon common sense. However, there are exceptions for each rule or statement in the existence. One of these exceptions is described in Maugham’s story, the fable called â€Å"The Ant and the Grasshopper†which is about George and Tom’s experiences. In this case, the ant is George and the grasshopper is Tom. One of them, George, chose the part of being a responsible and sensitive person. It is he who has been working a lot for getting a special retirement for the end of his life. Moreover, he has been helping his brother in all his whims. He is a role model for everyone. On the other hand, Tom is this kind of person who decides to live his life in order to satisfy his own wishes. He is a very nice and charming person, but he is constantly cheating on his brother and all his friends. Moreover, he has a lot of faults and he is always looking for luxuries. â€Å"For twenty years Tom raced and gambled, philandered with the prettiest girls, danced, ate in the most expensive restaurants, and dressed beautifully. He always looked as if he had just stepped out of a bandbox. Though he was forty-six you would never have taken him for more than thirty-five†. It might be safely said that the villain of this story is Tom, the bad man, the person who has got everything that he desires by taking the easy way. And according to the fable he deserves a bad end or at least any that is not good enough. Nonetheless, this is not a classical story with a traditional ending. The end of it is really funny. It may be said that the writer wanted to emphasize the fact that Tom had achieved everything and it was out of the blue. In addition, it might be pointed out that the writer is criticizing the coherence between George’s principles and the way he acted when his brother obtained the fortune. He showed jealous. Besides, it can be said that he was not happy with his whole life. He always wanted more than he obtained. The moral is clear, life is not unfair. It depends on you, on everyone and on the way people see life’s opportunities. In conclusion, there are people with good luck and fortune. There are people who are not firm with their principles and there are people who are not happy due to their vision of living. It is called: life and its ironies.
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