Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Role Of Parents Absent Homes Are More Frequently...
Introduction Over the past 50 years families have been affected by dramatic increases in the prevalence of nonmarital childbearing, divorce, and remarriage. In the United States nearly four in ten births are to unmarried women (Ventura 2009) and the number of children under the age of 18 living in mother only families has risen from 8% in 1960 to 23% in 2010 (U.S. Census Bureau 2010). Though the thought of how upsetting it is to grow up without a father may cross people’s mind, not many people tend to think about how not having a father impacts the children as adolescents and even sometimes into adulthood. The disruption of a family structure is known to be one of the main contributing factors in juvenile delinquency. This research paper will show evidence that adolescents in father absent homes are more frequently perpetrators of crimes. The independent variable is adolescents raised in father absent homes and the dependent variable is how they are more frequently perpetrat ors of crime. The relationship and attachment a child has with his/her parents is a main contributor as to how the child will behave and develop throughout his/her life. When a father figure is absent in the household, it disrupts this parental bond that helps influence social norms and may instead cause the child to act out. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, it has been determined that adolescent boys engage in more delinquent behavior if there is no father figureShow MoreRelatedIs Foster Care The Best Place For A Looked After Child?3328 Words  | 14 Pagesof care for all children and young people, regardless of circumstances†. â€Å"Children have only one chance at childhood. They deserve to be protected from harm, to enjoy good emotional, mental and physical health, and to feel that they belong in their home, at school and in their local community†(Kehily, 2004, p3). Goodyer (2012 p394) describes fostering as â€Å"an important, complex and fast-moving area of social work practice†. It is primarily a statutory service regulated and determined by policy andRead MoreEssay on Violence and the Media2255 Words  | 10 Pagesacts per hour on Saturday morning cartoons (Killing Screens, 1994). Also, well before children finish their grade school, they will witness up to 8,000 murders and 100,000 violent acts on television (Levine, 1995: 143). Moreover, children spend more time learning about life through media than in any other manner. The average child spends approximately twenty-seven hours per week watching television, which means that children spend most of their time only watching television and sleeping (MinowRead MoreViolence on Television Does Not Impact Behavior Essay3474 Words  | 14 Pagesintensely violent acts in a surprisingly perfunctory way. Leonard Eron, PhD at the University of Illinois, conducted a close study of television viewing from age 5 to age 30. The results hurt our television-loving brains: the more hours of television violence viewed, the more the tendency for aggressive behavior in teenage years becomes as does the likelihood of criminal acts and arrest in later years. Brandon Centerwell, professor at the University of Washington, depicted the doubling of the homicideRead MoreFemale Criminality11608 Words  | 46 Pagescommitting more crimes than men; and the types of crimes that women are committing. In viewing Bruce Grosss 2009 article, Battle of the Sexes: The Nature of Female Delinquency, as well as Elizabeth Cauffmans 2008 article, Understanding the Female Offender, one can begin to see where current statistics regarding the female criminal lie. In viewing the information contained in the aforementioned articles, one can immediately understand the underlying reasons that women are committing more crimesRead MoreHuman Rights in Pakistan6749 Words  | 27 Pages--- Lyn Beth Neylon Human rights are frequently held to be universal in the sense that all people have and should enjoy them, and to be independent in the sense that they exist and are available as standards of justification and criticism whether or not they are recognized and implemented by the legal system or officials of a country. An alternative explanation was provided by the philosopher Kant. He said that human beings have an intrinsic value absent in inanimate objects. To violate a humanRead MoreControl Theory15246 Words  | 61 Pagespopular. His frameworks are boldâ€â€critics would say pretentious (Geis, 2000)â€â€because they claim to be â€Å"general theories†that explain crime across types of crime and types of people. Hirschi also has shown little interest in race,class,and gender inequalities that othersâ€â€especially those from more critical perspectivesâ€â€see as fundamental to any explanation of crime (see, e.g., Miller Burack, 1993). Regardless of their merits, these critiques have done little to dim Hirschi’s influence; if anythingRead Moreunit 025 understand how to safeguard the wellbeing of children and young people12685 Words  | 51 Pagesconï ¬ dentiality that must be clearly understood by everyone within the setting. You must be absolutely clear about the boundaries of your legal and professional role and responsibilities, with regard to the conï ¬ dentiality of information relating to abuse and neglect. A clear and explicit conï ¬ dentiality policy that staff, children, young people and parents can all understand should ensure effective practice throughout the setting. Practitioners have a legal duty of conï ¬ dence with regard to the personal informationRead MoreFeminine Mystique12173 Words  | 49 Pagesfrustrations felt by women such as Betty Friedan. 2) During the era of â€Å"Rosie the Riveter†, what gains did women make in the workforce? How did these women feel about themselves and their contributions? What did society as a whole think? 3) What role did mass media play during the 1950s and 1960s in regard to supporting or undermining the â€Å"feminine mystique†? 4) Which television heroine -- Alice, Lucy, or Miss Brooks -- came the closest to TRULY overcoming the feminine mystique, and elaborateRead MoreEffects of Corruption in the Phil.14311 Words  | 58 PagesThis involves high amounts and high-ranking officials. 2. Petty/administrative corruption involves small amounts for payments of routine public services to be delivered or expedited, or for payoffs for small infractions. While grand corruption causes more damage than petty corruption, this does not mean that nothing should be done to minimize petty corruption. But, whether grand or petty, both are considered evils of society and results to profound consequences that affect all of us. (Phil. Anti-GraftRead MoreEssay Paper84499 Words  | 338 Pagesotherwise stated. During mobilization, the Contents proponent may modify chapters and policies contained in this regulation. Chapters 6 and 7 and appendixes E and F apply to Army National Guard Soldiers when on AD Title 10, for 30 days or more, and in all other cases, Army National Guard Soldiers are governed by NGR 600–21 and NGR 600–22. Portions of this regulation that prescribe specific conduct are punitive, and violations of these provisions may subject offenders to nonjudicial or
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Distance Learning As An Option Model Of Instruction
Distance learning as an option model of instruction Traditional on-grounds classroom situations have been the predominant instruction method for eras. Then again, with the approach and advancement of the Internet and other data innovations, online or separation learning is turning out to be more mainstream. Both conventional and separation learning programs give quality training, with the fundamental distinction between them being the substance conveyance strategy. Traditional Education The Traditional educating background obliges you to go to classes in individual and on grounds. It bodes well to go to classes in individual in the event that you choose to live in the residences or are an approaching first year recruits who needs the genuine school experience. There are positively more chances to join clubs, affiliations, or societies/sororities while taking classes on grounds.Likewise, you might require extra help from direction guides and teachers, which is all the more promptly accessible on grounds. Customary classes may be a superior decision for understudies who aren t extremely sagacious with innovation or who appreciate interfacing with instructors and teachers up close and personal. ( Customary learning programs use the since quite a while ago settled system of on-grounds classroom gatherings for conveying course data and encouraging understudy discussion and banter about. Understudies meet at a doled out time and place to share in class addresses,Show MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Readiness Level And Social Presence On The Online Learning Environment Essay1065 Words  | 5 Pages In this chapter, related literature is reviewed; particularly several studies have demonstrated the effect of readiness level and social presence in the online learning environment. In this chapter shows related opinions of pervious researchers and they support the aim of the current is guided by the objectives as outlined in chapter one and will establish differed opinions, theoretical approach and how the entire literature relates this study. The use of secondary sources such as publishedRead MoreMercedez Benz Essay1677 Words  | 7 PagesMERCEDES-BENZ USA: INVESTING IN IT INFRASTRUCTURE Question 1. How should Settle and his team evaluate the e-learning option? What factors should they consider when deciding between eLearning and traditional, classroom-based education? Settle should evaluate the eLearning option based on the following principles for delivering value: (1) Have a clearly defined portfolio value management process. In the case, Settle has had a basically financial budget already. There are two vendors that clearlyRead MoreDisadvantages Of Distance Learning10300 Words  | 42 PagesDistance learning is not a new phenomenon, nor ineradicably associated with the internet and online scholarship. Institutions of learning have appreciated the potential educational benefit of being able to teach students, regardless of geographical location, for more than two hundred years. Distance learning was accessible as early as the 18th century in the form of mailed correspondence courses. Instructors conveyed assignments via packets mailed to students, who then completed the work and mailedRead MoreEssay on Is Online Instruction an Efficient Form of Education?1247 Words  | 5 Pagescourses and unsurprisingly, this number almost tripled in 2008 (Allen and Seaman, 2010). Queen and Lewis found (2011), â€Å"74% of school districts with dist ance education programs planned to expand online offerings over the next 3 years.†However, although many students and instructors are using online education, the debate about the efficiency of online instruction comparing with that by traditional mode still going on as online education does not achieved universal acceptance. Thus, it is necessary to examineRead MoreApa Format2384 Words  | 10 PagesRunning head: INTERNET AND DISTANCE ED 1 Internet and Distance Education Delivery Models Jane Ford EDU 400 Distance Education Prof. John Smith July 27, 2010 In the top half of the page, centered and double-spaced, include: title of the paper, your first and last name, course number and name, instructor name, and date of submission. Please note that Ashford University APA guidelines require title pages to include the course instructor’s name and date. This requirement is specific to AshfordRead MoreOnline Classes Are Rapidly Becoming A More Popular And Accepted Option Among Students1493 Words  | 6 PagesOnline classes are rapidly becoming a more popular and accepted option among many students. An online course is a course where all or most course material is delivered online and there is little to no face-to-face contact with the instructor or other students in the class. Although online classes have been around for quite a long while, they have only recently become more popular among students. According to one article on the topic of online education, â€Å"6.7 million students enrolled in at leastRead MoreComparison Of Customization Using Human Analysis And Avior Analysis In Worms And Trojans719 Words  | 3 Pagesattacks in future. Mohammad Mehdi Ahmadian , Hamid Reza Shahriari [20] 2entFOX – uses a Bayesian probability model for detecting highly survivable ransomwares Accuracy can be further improved and false alarm rate can also be improved Bayesian probability model is simplest model for classification and takes less time. Rieck et al. [9] Automatic analysis of malware behavior using machine learning. Scheme is tested in sandbox environment and accuracy is low to be used in real time environment. ClusteringRead MoreEssay on Traditional vs Distance Education4055 Words  | 17 Pagescampuses worldwide, but there has been a change made to the conventional method of classroom learning. With the advancements in technology, education has been restructured so that it may be accessible to everyone through taking courses online. Distance learning takes place when the teacher and student are separated from one another due to their physical location and technology is used to communicate instructions to the student and to communicate feedback to the instructor. The virtual classroom isRead MoreThe Impact of Technology on Education4413 Words  | 18 Pageseducation is being supplemented and replaced by digital education models. The proliferation of information on the Web, the proliferation of instructional systems vendors, and the burden on faculty to design hybrid courses threaten the quality of digital learning. The literature on instructional quality and pedagogy as applied to e-learning and distance education is growing by leaps and bounds as teachers explore the burgeoning array of options. The hybrid education lexicon remains complex, with educatorsRead MoreHuman Computer Interaction And Analytics Technologies Essay1723 Words  | 7 Pagesgovern the development and the factors that are needed to be considered for the future developments. Analytics or business intelligence and HCI fields are interrelated. The development in these fields is influenced by some key factors and they are- Learning and Visualization In the current century of globalization and technology, there is abundant unstructured data present. An analyst structures data which will be helpful for the decision support system developed to support the decision making process
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Why Chinese Mother Are Superior free essay sample
Rebecca was nine years old, very noisy and did not pay attention to anyone even my parents, Whatever I wanted the most I just did so. One day while I was playing with my dolls, I overheard that my parents were talking together about going to a marriage party, the marriage party related to one of my mothers relative, my mother was saying that dont Inform the children because the house Is so far and If we take them they will become tired and also let them to study their lessons.When I heard it I became very happy because on my childhood I really liked to participate in different kinds of parties, I Just continued playing, When my mother prepared herself for going to the wedding, I went and asked: Mother where are you golden Because I was so obstinate my mother held It from me and said my dear daughter I am Just going out for shopping. but I knew that she is going to the wedding, I said: No mother you are telling lie, due to going out why are you wearing such beautiful clothes? My mother said nothing, just preparing herself. Creamed mother I know that you are going to the wedding; please I want to go as well. Please take me also but my mother did not look at me and went to find her sandal I just fallowed crying, she did not do anything because she knew that I am so stubborn and never listen to her, after a lot of crying she gave me one of my beautiful dresses and I got ready. On that day at ten oclock my parents and I left home.Journey was really Joyful for me because I never had long trip before, on the way my parents were talking with each other about the adding but I did not hear them, I was Just seeing out from the window of the car different things, like people were busy on their works and did different things and saw many beautiful trees and flowers and wondering about the people outside. I liked them a lot and also on the way saw two people were fighting with each other and I became very curious and asked my father why they are fighting? my father said my dear daughter I dont know about them why they are fighting, I said noting Just looked at them.After one hour Journey we got off the car and ate lunch near one f the beautiful springs. Really enjoyed, while we were eating our lunch my mother advised me a lot that my dear daughter when we arrive there just take care of yourself because you dont know anything about there and be with me, dont go anywhere without my permission I Just said K mother. After three hours we arrived there, they were very happy to meet us and respected us a lot. At night when the party started and all the guests came and the groom and bride also came and sat on their own chairs, they were looking really attractive and charming.People who were here started to dance. Due to I couldnt find any friend to play with them I Just sat near my mother and watched them. The party was so Joyful for me and had a lot of fun to watch them because everything I saw was new for me. After the party was finished at one or two oclock midnight many guests left the house and some of them night, I was so tried and felt sleepy soon. I woke up at 8 oclock in the morning, ate my breakfast. When my parents wanted to came back home they did not remain as to come because their party did not finish they had one more party that show all of hinges that bride brought from her parents home.So we didnt go home on that day and stayed for one more day. When I finished my breakfast I saw that my mother was busy talking to other women. Without taking any permission from her, I Just went out and saw that many children were playing with each other I was very excited to see them because they were playing a game that I loved it as well. They were tightening one of the girls eyes with a black Cotton and she had to find other girls if one of the girls was found by her, she would play in place of her. Without saying anything I went and Joined them. They did not tell anything while we were busy in playing. One of the girls said to us, Lets go to the garden because here is not good place for playing. We all accepted and went with her. The place that she talked about was so far but still I liked to go, when we got there it was so green and had beautiful trees, nice flowers with different kinds of smell and one small river. We started playing other game that one girl should hide her eyes and other girls should go and hide homeless everywhere that they want, we were Just busy in this game when I passed my turn, I went to hide myself somewhere after a lot of running to find any better place my feet stuck on a big stone and fell down too river.I tried a lot but couldnt save myself and began to scream a lot but no one heard my voice because they had gone to a very far place to hide themselves. After being for ten or fifteen minutes in the water I became unconscious. And when I woke up I found myself in a hospital. It was night about six or seven a clock I saw that my mother was crying in the corner of he room and my father was sitting on a chair when they saw me, my father was very happy but my mother was happy and angry as well.Because my father had scold her a lot why she did not take care of me. My mother came near to me and asked me why I did like this, why I did not pay attention to her advices. I was feeling so shy and couldnt tell anything Just said: mother who brought me there? She said, your father. I asked again how? She told that: We waited a lot for you but you did not come so I Just searched and after a lot of searching, the girls that you had gone with hem told us that you were with them but after playing they couldnt find you so they came home without you. I was really shameful in front of my parents because I made them nervous and Just because of me they didnt enjoy from the party and also I was really afraid of doctors and medicine because I hate to eat medicine. At the en d I came to believe that parents never want the badness of their children and they Just think about the happiness, betterment and prosperity of our life. So from that day, I have always been obeying whatever my parents have advised me.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Joe DEustachio Essays - United States, , Term Papers
Joe D'Eustachio SPE 101 Famous Speech Outline Purpose: To explain how Franklin Delano Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address was so impactful to the people of America during the Great Depression. Central Idea: On March 4, 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was sworn in as the new President of the United States while the Great Depression was at its height . It was at the Capitol Building where he delivered his first inaugural address that not only invigorated the American spirit, but restored hope that the darkest days of the depression were behind them, and gave him the support he needed to launch his New Deal. Introduction Franklin D. Roosevelt, or FDR for short, is remembered as one of the greatest Presidents of all time. He was the only president to be elected four times! Roosevelt was the leader of the United States during two of the most difficult times in our country's history: The Great Depression and World War II. FDR's First Inaugural Address is perhaps one of the most memorable speeches of all time. When Roosevelt was inaugurated, the United States was in utter turmoil. The Great Depression, as it soon became known as, was at its seemed to be at its peak. The American people were beaten and broken from this depression, and FDR was able to deliver an uplifting speech where he united them to get through the it together . Today, I would like to tell you all not only about the life of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and how his First Inaugural Address was able to rally the people of America together to beat the depression. Body Biography Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born January 30, 1882 into the wealthy Roosevelt family. He was the only child to James and Sara Ann Delano Roosevelt, and lived at his family's estate Springwood, which is in Hudson Valley, New York. He studied law, and went on to go to Harvard and Columbia, until passing the bar exam in 1907. However, the practice of law bored him, and he set his eyes on more prestigious goals. Roosevelt was a democrat , and held many seats in office before becoming President. He was the New York state Senate, Secretary of the Navy, and Governor of New York. However, in 1921, he contracted polio. He thought his political career was over, but with help from his wife Eleanor, FDR had learned how to walk short distances in braces, and not be seen in public in his wheelchair. It was not until the stock market crash of 1929 that Roosevelt decided to run for president . He defeated Herbert Hoover in 1932 , who was running for a second term with the Republican party, with an upbeat at titude, and a promise for change. As for the other three elections he won, they were all landslide victories. FDR had led the U.S. through some very tough times. The stress from The Great Depression, the Pearl Harbor attacks, and World War I I took its toll on the President, who was very sick to begin with. He is remembered as a remarkably strong man for everything he was able to shoulder during what was going on in the world during his presidency. Franklin Roosevelt passed away from a massive cerebral hemorrhage on April 12, 1945 while still in office, and Harry Truman became president. The Speech FDR is remembered as being a terrific public speaker. He lifted audiences out of their seats, especially with his First Inaugural Address. It was held on March 4, 1933 at the United States Capitol after he had defeated Republican Herbert Hoover in the 1932 election. Within his 20 mi nute speech, Franklin Roosevelt was able to bring the people of America together to fight the depression. He addressed the problems of unemployment and the economic crisis the country was facing, and that he and the government were going to act swiftly to fix the problems. I chose this speech because I believe it showed how incredible of a public speaker FDR was. His energy, attitude, and charm were how he was able to "Wow" audiences that listened to him. I also like how he addresses the problems head on in this
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
criminal Justice
Every day, across America, crimes are being committed, criminals are being apprehended, and then processed through the justice system. While this cycle is taking place, the media has to decide which of these stories will get the front page of the newspaper, which story will talk radio discuss during your morning traffic jam, and what stories could possibly be turned into made for T.V. movies. The news organizations can cover any stories that they choose, good or bad. More often than not they will cover a story involving some heinous and atrocious act. Something so bad that it will make people ask, â€Å"What kind of person could do such a thing?†While this is part of the media’s responsibility, they tend to single out certain crimes and use the victims and the defendants as characters for their own brand of reality television. One example of this was the recent trial of California manure salesman, Scott Peterson. For over one year, all major American news networks devoted hours of time each day to covering the testimonies and evidence that eventually led to his murder conviction. While this was taking place, day in and day out, there were many more everyday crimes that no one, aside from the people involved, ever heard about. Shortly after the verdict in the Scott Peterson case, a 36 year-old man by the name of Chai Vang murdered six people, men and women, on the opening weekend of deer season, after a dispute with him for hunting on their land. For one reason or another, this story has not received much publicity nationwide. Sometimes the name of the defendant alone is enough to cause the media to go into a frenzy. In the summer of 1994, retired football star and Hertz rental car spokesperson O.J. Simpson was arrested for the murder of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and Beverly Hills waiter, Ronald Goldman. In the media’s eyes, this story took top priority over all most everything else happening in the world. Eventually, Mr... criminal Justice Free Essays on Media/criminal Justice Every day, across America, crimes are being committed, criminals are being apprehended, and then processed through the justice system. While this cycle is taking place, the media has to decide which of these stories will get the front page of the newspaper, which story will talk radio discuss during your morning traffic jam, and what stories could possibly be turned into made for T.V. movies. The news organizations can cover any stories that they choose, good or bad. More often than not they will cover a story involving some heinous and atrocious act. Something so bad that it will make people ask, â€Å"What kind of person could do such a thing?†While this is part of the media’s responsibility, they tend to single out certain crimes and use the victims and the defendants as characters for their own brand of reality television. One example of this was the recent trial of California manure salesman, Scott Peterson. For over one year, all major American news networks devoted hours of time each day to covering the testimonies and evidence that eventually led to his murder conviction. While this was taking place, day in and day out, there were many more everyday crimes that no one, aside from the people involved, ever heard about. Shortly after the verdict in the Scott Peterson case, a 36 year-old man by the name of Chai Vang murdered six people, men and women, on the opening weekend of deer season, after a dispute with him for hunting on their land. For one reason or another, this story has not received much publicity nationwide. Sometimes the name of the defendant alone is enough to cause the media to go into a frenzy. In the summer of 1994, retired football star and Hertz rental car spokesperson O.J. Simpson was arrested for the murder of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and Beverly Hills waiter, Ronald Goldman. In the media’s eyes, this story took top priority over all most everything else happening in the world. Eventually, Mr...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Calculate the Mean or Average
How to Calculate the Mean or Average Given a list of numbers, it is easy to determine the arithmetic mean, or average. The average is simply the sum of the numbers in a given problem, divided by the number of numbers added together. For example, if four number are added together their sum is divided by four to find the average or arithmetic mean. Average or arithmetic mean is sometimes confused with two other concepts: mode and median. The mode is the most frequent value in a set of numbers, while the median is the number in the middle of the range of a given set.  Uses and Applications Its important to know how to calculate the mean or average of a set of numbers. Among other things, this will allow you to calculate your grade point average. However, youll need to calculate the mean for several other situations, too. The concept of an average allows statisticians, demographers, economists, biologists, and other researchers to better understand the most common situations. For example, by determining the average income of an American family and comparing it to the average cost of a home, its possible to better understand the magnitude of economic challenges facing most American families. Similarly, by looking at the average temperature in a particular area at a particular time of year, its possible to predict the probable weather and make a wide range of decisions appropriately. Issues and Pitfalls While averages can be very useful tools, they can also be misleading for a variety of reasons. In particular, averages can obscure the information contained in data sets. Here are a few examples of how averages can be misleading: Johns grades include a 4.5 in math, a 4.0 in science, a 2.0 in English and a 2.5 in History. After averaging his scores, his advisor decided that John is a straight B student. In fact, however, John is quite talented in math and science and needs remediation in English and history.Ten people were in a room. One woman in the room was pregnant. Based on the average, therefore, everyone in the room was .1% pregnant. This is, of course, a false and ridiculous finding! The Calculation In general, you calculate the mean or average of a set of numbers by adding them all up and dividing by how many numbers you have. This can be defined as follows: For a set of numbers, {x1, x2, x3, ... xj} the mean or average is the sum of all x divided by j. Worked Examples Lets start with an easy example. Calculate the mean of the following set of numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 To do this, add up the numbers and divide by how many numbers you have (5 of them, in this case). mean (1 2 3 4 5)/5 mean 15/5 mean 3 Heres another example of calculating the mean. Calculate the mean of the following set of numbers: 25, 28, 31, 35, 43, 48 How many numbers are there? 6. So, add together all of the numbers and divide the total by 6 in order to get the mean. mean (25 28 31 35 43 48)/6 mean 210/6 mean 35
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Customer Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Customer Management - Research Paper Example â€Å"Customer retention refers to the ability of a company or product to retain its customers over some specified period. High customer retention means customers of the product or business tend to return to, continue to buy or in some other way not defect to another product or business, or to non-use entirely†.(Wikipedia,2017) With the cost of customer acquisition rising, retention is a priority for banking institutions. Majority of the products and services offered by a bank can be easily replicated by another bank, the only factors on which they can differentiate are price, customer management and quality. Thus, customer retention is potentially the solution that banks can use to gain an upper hand and survive in an extremely competent banking industry(Inkumsah 2013). â€Å"As per Harvard Business School report, on average, increasing customer retention rates by 5% increases profits by 25%-95%†(Anon 2017). Customer Retention helps in advances in revenue generation, p roduct development, marketing, customer feedback, branding, differentiation, along with causing less stress to bank employees, getting more interaction and feedback from the customers. Analytics play an important part in banks' retention strategies. Banks, by using analytical techniques on appropriate enablers can see a significant increase in new customers and elongated relationships with existing ones.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Organisations and people Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Organisations and people - Essay Example This is a debatable reason because normally universities offer much more than colleges, however, due to the amount of enrollment, Ohio Dominican University cannot compete with many schools. I also feel the choice of extra curricular activities is also far more interesting at Columbus State Community College because since there are more students. I will get more specific as to why I chose Columbus State Community College in the following paragraphs. Body Ohio Dominican University is quite small which means that its programs have a home feel to them however in terms of providing opportunities for future job prospects, it is limited because of its weak enrollment numbers and small size of the campus. Some people feel that a small school is exactly what they want and need and a small size can actually improve the quality of life for people in school, however, it would be better if this school were larger like Columbus State Community College is. There is nothing wrong with a small school however it cannot compete with the large variety of experiences a larger school can offer. Once again, not everyone would agree about this however it is the stance I have chosen. Ohio Dominican University has the ability to provide a sense of comfort and a more relaxed atmosphere since it is very small but resources and quality are limited when larger schools exist because brighter students enroll in larger schools because of the many more choices of academic programs offered. A larger school means more programs, more opportunity, more competition, and a higher quality of education. Ohio Dominican University would be better in my opinion with a larger enrollment because they have a strong position with their Catholic affiliation and they offer many degree and post degree programs that are not offered in Columbus State Community College or any other college for that matter. Ohio Dominican University has a plan to achieve growth however if it does not achieve this goal, then it would be considered a worse school than many others that have attracted more students. The general look of their websites do not really speak of their distinctiveness or whether one is better than the other. Unfortunately only key factors like enrollment or programs offered allow me to make my comparisons. Completing a degree at a university in North American would allow for more job prospects though and allow a much greater chance to compete in the real world. College programs are able to provide great introductions to programs and provide a much more practical and hands on approach that is not involved in the university experience. Ohio Dominican University oddly has such a small number of students enrollment that the people who want to look into going there would most likely wonder why the enrollment is so small. There are small cities but the number attending there is extremely small. Many people in rural communities that are much happier with rural life, feel like attending a small school with few people is the greatest experience and they also feel they can get a much better quality education from these schools since enrollment is so low. One might also be able to take a stance that would suggest that no one school is better than any other because all colleges that are public are the same and all universities are the same. One might criticize lack of job prospects or the differences that one school may offer more opportunities
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Five Factors of Operation Management Essay Example for Free
The Five Factors of Operation Management Essay 1.0Executive Summary There are four operation objectives in Penang Mutiara which is quantity, speed, dependability and flexibility. Quantity is the number of goods or services. This article, I illustrate the way the hotel management, strategy and long-term strategy to promote the hotel. 2.0 Introduction Mutiara Beach Resort Penang heralds a new standard for Asian resort hotels. Located on a prime beachfront at Teluk Bahang, otherwise known as the glowing bay, it nestles in 7.3 hectares (18 acres) of landscaped tropical greenery. All 438 of its spacious rooms enjoy sea and garden views. Here in this paradise of comfort and luxury, it has been claimed that nothing is unusual. The name Mutiara means pearl and is also a term of endearment in the Malay language. A perfect description for an extraordinary resort with a lively Malaysian personality. Manned by a team of innovative and experienced staff, Penang Mutiaras service reflects Meritus Hotel Resorts efficiency and tradition of friendly hospitality.[1] 3.0Competitve Priorities of the Organization and Business Level Strategy This part of the strategy used to manage stress Wernie Pearl Hotel in Penang. How to implement the strategy, and making the hotels long-term strategy. 3.1 Make sure that the way he manages the hotel is appropriate to the way it competes for business Penang Mutiara, being one of the most prestigious hotels in Penang, has managed to secure a foothold in this lucrative and highly competitive environment. Wernie has the vision and very clear focused beliefs about the importance of running an effective operation where customers have every right to demand for first class service which they are obliged to provide for. For get a biggest development and get more success, Penang Mutiara has to: Expand its business in other areas to acquire more market shares against other high-class and strong competitors in the whole Asia region, or even in the world. Offer the differentiation, high standard quality and characteristic hotel services, and comfortable environment for customers. Pitch itself as an up-market end hotel business that targets customers are those who are high income and high consuming individuals, and the high class business and political unions or organizations. 3.2 Implement any change in strategy Through concessions and travel companies, marine theme park and Wildlife Park and other business alliances, film companies, golf or car clubs, hotels, is tourism, entertainment, commercial exploitation, and a set consisting relaxation. Complete basic services such as transport line services; wireless Internet access. A variety of services, such as the provision to meet different customers different needs of holiday travel package; season meeting market different packages; a variety of food types. The registration form and who can provide more free services or the price of the latest promotions and receive a loyal member of the consumer. Expand existing business to developing e-business; alliance other hotels in other areas. 3.3 Develop his operation so that it drives the long-term strategy of the hotel Building and developing hotel website, including introduction of hotel services, traffic map, resource and promotion information, booking on line, requirement and feedback of customer, online payment; Develop Statistical Process control (SPC) for measuring the service quality, rates of customers satisfaction and complaint, cost controlling, deciding for new services which match with customers changing demands; Develop a top-down strategy to reflect what the hotels vision and mission, changing strategies, requirement. Building an automatic system to improve reliable and speed that ensuring JIT for collecting correct information of customer requirement, conveniently e-pay, delivering and exchanging information for corresponding with each departments, ensuring security; Offer continual training for staff to improve the standard quality of services, English and foreign languages speaking, handling these new automatic system and internet using; Adding the advertisement through TV, internet, high-income reader journal or fashion magazines and newspaper; Keeping and developing a high standard quality and low cost supply chain which including ensuring purchasing at the right quality, fast delivery, retaining flexibility, right prices; collecting and utilizing resources form internet or global; building physical distribution management and internet; keeping a high quality materials; building a good relation ship with suppliers. 4.0 How five performance objectives might have internal benefits? 4.1 Quality Quality is placed first in our list of performance objectives because many authorities believe it to be the most important. There are two important points to remember when reading the section on quality as a performance objective. The external affect of good quality within in operations is that the customers who ‘consume’ the operations products and services will have less (or nothing) to complain about. And if they have nothing to complain about they will (presumably) be happy with their products and services and are more likely to consume them again. This brings in more revenue for the company (or clients satisfaction in a not-for-profit organization). 4.11 Quality increases dependability Good quality leads to stable and efficient processes that less mistake, easy for coordination for matching the standard of processes, dependable and advanced equipments and tools to use adds dependability for internal customers,. 4.12 Quality reduces cost It reduces cost for Mutiara due to it is fewer the chance to make mistakes. First it saves the time to sort out the problem, redoing or correcting mistakes, or to reducing confusion or irritation for each people; second, it also reduces the labor cost. Dispelling some serious troubles or problem always needs more staffs or more time to do it, thus, it results in the labor cost added, such as part-time salary, overtime compensation. The more minimizing mistake, the more minimize the excess labor costs to pay for doing excess works; third, less mistake and using top-class and durable materials also result in saving expenditures such as maintaining fee, cost of materials resulted by mistakes , transporting fees, and other excess expenditures. 4.2 Speed Speed is a shorthand way of saying ‘Speed of response’. It means the time between an external or internal customer requesting a product or service, and them getting it. Again, there are internal and external affects. Externally speed is important because it helps to respond quickly to customers. Again, this is usually viewed positively by customers who will be more likely to return with more business. Sometimes also it is possible to charge higher prices when service is fast. The postal service in most countries and most transportation and delivery services charge more for faster delivery. 4.3 Dependability Dependability means ‘being on time’. In other words, customers receive their products or services on time. Externally (no matter how it is defined) dependability is generally regarded by customers as a good thing. Certainly being late with delivery of goods and services can be a considerable irritation to customers. Especially with business customers, dependability is a particularly important criterion used to determine whether suppliers have their contracts renewed. So, again, the external affects of this performance objective are to increase the chances of customers returning with more business. Internally dependability has an affect on cost. See the figure below: [pic] 4.31 Dependability gives stability Dependability fixes the time and costs overcoming the disruption, enhancing the trust for planning works and collaborating with each operation. 4.31Dependability saves money Ineffectively arrangement will translate extra cost. Reliability arrangement reduced duplication of resources or inputs left some unused resources to maintain or increase storage costs, labor costs or opportunity costs. 4.4 Flexibility This is a more complex objective because we use the word ‘flexibility’ to mean so many different things. The important point to remember is that flexibility always means ‘being able to change the operation in some way’. 4.4.1 Flexibility saves resources According to the specific conditions of the objects or actions and resources re-arrangements can sometimes prevent the unnecessary duplication of planning, consumption and use of resources, such as time, capital, labor, the traditional way of doing things to do. 4.4.2 Flexibility increase speed of response Being able to give fast service for customers depends on the operation being flexible. Flexible operations speedily transfer extra skilled staff and equipment to the urgent conditions and emergencies will provide the fast service with other operations needs. 4.5 Cost Cost means do things cheaply. To Mutiara hotel, it means keeping an appropriate cost for keeping the operations effective running. All of other objectives affect cost. Flexible operations leads to quickly make changes or decisions for changing conditions and overcomes disrupting the other operation. Flexible operation inside can also change tasks timely without wasting time and capacity. Speedy operations cuts down the in-process inventory level and also saving the cost of administrative overheads. High-quality operations prevents wasting time, re-do things, or flowed service which would be inconvenient for internal customers. Dependable operation protects the normal orders dont be confusion by any unwelcome surprises on internal customers. It ensures delivery exact and reliable. This limits uneconomical disruption and improves the efficiency of micro operations. 5.0 Conclusion Penang Pearl article Wernie hotel management business management model is a typical example. we can find a companys operating performance on quality, speed, reliability, flexibility, and cost five goals. And how to use the correct management and planning strategy to manage the company more perfect. The operation objective is the way how the hotel operates on certain intention. Usually these objectives are used to cover mistakes or to solve problems within the hotel premises. Especially when the objectives is to meet the customers needs. The action that is taken is the way to solve the problems of certain criteria will be trained to the staff of the hotel.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Music: Its a Way of Life :: Music
After a rough day, when you come home from work, you need something that will make your day better. The best choice you will have is listening to your favorite type of music. You can just turn on your compact disc player and have a great time listening to your music collection. Everyone has a music collection or at least a favorite genre. Did you know that just for English music there are over 10 genres? There is one for everyone. We all have different choices for music, none is better than the other. People these days listen to all kinds of music: hip-hop, classical, country, etc. People are really picky with what they listen to. People don’t want to compromise with what they are listening to, they don’t have to. Approximately, there are over two million songs written and published in the music industry since its birth ( According to the stats shown, we know that people have countless choices of music to choose from these days. Music gives you a variety of choices and beats that you have never heard before. There are approximately 50 albums published every week (Approximately how many songs have been produced in the US and the UK since the music industry was born). Music has become a way of life in some parts of the world. Music has a influence on people all over the world. As we all know, music has been existing for over fifty thousand years (History of classical music traditions). Music is a source of living for a lot of people in this world. People take music as religion in some parts of the globe. Then there are also people that take music as pleasure and business. People now use music to express themselves in public and with friends. Music has a variety of genres, and these genres have a variety of songs. People have become what they listen to. If they like country music, they are called old fashioned people. If they like classical music, they are called band geeks. If they like rock music, they have become middle-aged people. If they like hard rock music, then they have become emos. If they like hip-hop or R&B music, then they are called cool people. If they like jazz and techno music, they are called the twenty’s. The modern music has changed how people live, by categorizing people in groups. When you go to school, there are different groups that the kids have divided themselves into: normal, band geeks, and emos.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Simulation Experimentation
7.5 Simulation Experiment Once the base ‘push’ and ‘pull’ theoretical accounts were validated and verified, the following measure was to make up one's mind on patterns that could be included in the simulation survey and their degree scene. So, the simulation experimentation was carried in two phases. 7.5.1 Initial Experiment The initial experimentation was used to make up one's mind the degree of alterations to be made and for confirmation of patterns. Along with the present position, following fluctuations were considered for initial experimentation.Layout alteration: layout alteration with alterations in machine location and cell layoutSetup clip: 25 % less and 50 % lessAverage clip to mend ( MTTR ) : 25 % less, 50 % less and 25 % morePull Model: 100 % production as per agenda and no FGI available, 100 % production as per agenda and existent FGIRejection: 25 % less and 50 % lessLoad and unload clip: 25 % less and 50 % less.Table 7.6 Consequences of mated T-test for past informations cogency of ‘push’ type simulation theoretical accountJ948336256– 0.370.0872.04477550230.1780.6970.408– 405823570.7760.004– 4.555J8109226631.0850.3191.08574911380.790.1321.741– 34315860.3050.588-0.573J7-159022040.1220.105-1.90914512210.6330.7640.31417352696-0.0330.141.702J6135539420.0 280.3980.914024530.9470.0572.347-9534124-0.0740.563-0.612J5199056750.4860.3890.928222221120.5990.0322.78323257940.570.9190.106J4114659710.0890.630.508158717140.6590.052.4494417322-0.50.8790.159J3939713869-0.1040.1231.793-18772610.6130.948-0.068-9584113260.2230.066-2.239J2122543590.9650.4850.7442955120100.6850.5390.6511730104570.7060.6770.438J1208776080.9760.4950.7262650224310.740.7650.313563187730.7630.9390.079Stat. ParameterMeanStd. Dev.Correlationp-valuet-valueMeanStd. Dev.Correlationp-valuet-valueMeanStd. Dev.Correlationp-valuet-valueComparison betweenPlanned- ActualPlanned- ‘push’ theoretical accountActual- ‘push’ theoretical accountProduction sequence: high to low volume and low to high volumeHandiness: 25 % less and 25 % moreRaw Material Schedule: current natural stuff procurance program, agenda bringings after 5 yearss, with and without opening RMI, 5 % extra stuff procurance, with current bringing public presentation, 100 % bringing measure and brin ging public presentation7.5.1.1 Layout Alterations The layout to be used for the JIT system should hold maximal visibleness, lower limit walking, minimal stuff handling, facilitates monitoring of work come ining and go forthing the cell and workers can handily collaborate to smooth flow and address jobs. Schonberger ( 1982 ) , Korgaonker ( 2005 ) and other research workers have stressed on the usage of streamlined U shaped layout and formation of fabricating cells based on group engineering ( GT ) attack. The current layout of the imperativeness machine store is a combination of U-shaped and L-shaped layout. The country of the imperativeness store is 625 m2including the country required for imperativeness machines, rework country, racks for hive awaying the dies and tooling which is non excessively large for the stuff and tool motion. The P9 machine was the lone machine outside the close U-type. The operator and the stuff have to be placed in the gangway. So, consequently the machine P9 was shifted in topographic point of P6, which i s non being used. The infinite restraint besides does non let the change of current layout into the complete U type layout. The layout was analyzed to verify the locations of the machines within the given layout. From-To chart showed that the current layout produces minimal backtracking. In order to use group engineering ( GT ) attack, two types of cells were formed. As shown in Table 7.7, two cells were formed based on fabrication properties and by switching some of the operations performed on machines P5, P7 and P8. The measure of constituents J5 and J8 is really less as compared to occupation J1, J2 and J3. So, it would non be advisable to save the machines P5, P7 and P8 entirely for these two occupations. So, it could be considered that the imperativeness store with 11 machines formed one cell. In another attack, the simulation theoretical account was developed in which the machines with similar capacities were grouped together to organize the cell as shown in Table 7.8. The first bin of a batch selects the first available imperativeness in the cell assigned to that operation. If none of the imperativenesss are available, the bins wait until a imperativeness is available. After a imperativeness has been selected, all bins in that batch will be routed to the selected imperativeness for that peculiar operation. The production public presentation of this layout was compared with the base ‘push’ theoretical account stand foring current scenario. It was observed that monthly production of J2, J3 and J5 is drastically reduced while the addition in the production of J1, J8 and J9 is really fringy. Similarly, lead clip additions drastically and machine use besides reduces. Therefore, both the attacks have shown negative tendencies of steps. So, it was decided to follow the current layout as the best suited option. Table 7.7 Cell formation based on fabrication propertiesCell No.Press machines in the cellJobs manufactured in the cell11, 2, 3, 8, 9, 11, 12 7 machines1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 7 occupations24, 5, 7, 10 4 machines5, 8 2 occupations.Table 7.8 Cell formation based on machine capacityCell No.Press machines in the cellCapacity14, 540 Short ton2780 Short ton33100 Short ton42, 8, 9110 Short ton51, 10, 11, 12160 Short ton7.5.1.2 Line Balancing Line reconciliation is a particular job for assorted type of production ( Schonberger, 1982 ) . The imperativeness store under consideration was analyzed for available and needed figure of shots. The analysis is presented in Table 7.9 for the month of January. It can be observed that the shots remain unutilized or balanced. The analysis for all the seven months showed similar tendencies except for the month of February and March. For the intent of computations, the overall minimal shots available were considered which are well lower than available for high volume occupations like J1 and J2. So, line reconciliation was besides non a concern for the imperativeness store. Table 7.9 Capacity analysis for the month of JanuaryImperativenessJobs utilizing imperativeness and corresponding measureMin. CapacityMin. parts / twenty-four hoursRequired shotsBalance shotsOccupationQtyOccupationQtyOccupationQtyOccupationQtyP1J21128J3245250350013732127P2J12246J2112825035003374126P3J21128J3245J4316J772333466217612901P4J8157J815730342423143928P5J3245J3245J540840056008984702P7J4316J5408J815730342428813361P8J12246J21128J772385539034461944P9J12246J4316J9101J9101286400427641240P10J5408J9101J910125035006102890P11J21128J3245J9101J9101250350015751925P12J21128J6273J62732002800167411267.5.1.3 Production Sequence The constituents to be produced by imperativeness store includes some high volume occupations such as J1, J2, and J3 and some low volume occupations such as J7, J8 and J9. The sequence in which these occupations are scheduled affects the public presentation of imperativeness store. The simulation was carried out by scheduling the production from high to low ( on the footing of production volume ) and from low to high. The consequences indicated that in both the instances production lessenings and WIP increases drastically. So, the current attack of assorted type sequencing was maintained for ‘push’ and ‘pull’ theoretical accounts. Raw Material Procurement Schedule In the initial experimentation of ‘push’ type simulation theoretical account, some cases of ‘stock out’ state of affairss were observed. If the natural stuff measure in the shop was less than the twenty-four hours ‘s demand, the theoretical account calculated the figure of full bins that could be produced utilizing the bing natural stuff in the shop. The balance was added to the following twenty-four hours ‘s order. Current procurance of natural stuff is in immense tonss bring forthing higher RMI.The public presentation of the sellers in footings of adhering to the measure and clip of bringing is really good. Average ‘On clip delivery’ public presentation is 99.24 % and the ‘right quantity’ public presentation is 95.50 % . Even though, the seller public presentation is moderately good, the works experienced arrests due to ‘non-availability of material’ on the one manus and high stock list of natural stuff on the other. So, the new procurance agenda was developed to avoid the ‘stock out’ state of affairs with minimal possible natural stuff stock list. Assorted options such as agenda bringings after 5 yearss with and without opening RMI were considered. Still, some occasions of ‘stock out’ were observed. So, 5 % extra stuff was added to the procurance measure in order to counterbalance for possible rejections. Opening natural stuff stock list at the beginning of the simulation was assumed. The bringing public presentation in footings of quality and bringing timing was modeled as per paradigm execution. Setup Time Setup clip decrease is the most of import technique that enables JIT refillings. The set-up clip is the elapsed clip from when the last portion of the current tally is completed until the work centre starts running the first good piece of the following tally. Entire setup clip consists of the clip required readying, mounting and unhorsing, focus oning, dimensioning and puting measure, and test tallies and accommodations. For the imperativeness store under consideration, the mean set-up clip is 14.4 proceedingss, the maximal being 30 proceedingss and the lower limit is 10 proceedingss. Along with the other parametric quantities related to the apparatus procedure, apparatus clip depends on the tunnage capacity of the imperativeness and weight of the dies. Some larger machines like 3,000 dozenss with 35 ton dies, the universe criterion for set-up is 10 proceedingss, whereas Toyata was able to accomplish the set-up for similar machines in 3 proceedingss. The maximal capacity of the imper ativeness in the imperativeness store is 160 tones and lower limit is 40 tones. Compared to the criterions, presently the set-up clip is really high. The survey of set-up procedure at the imperativeness store under consideration reveals that it uses the traditional manner of puting dies. All the dies are stored in the rack built really near to the machine cell. Tooling needed for puting up is kept near to the rack. Forklifts, wires and ropes, and skidding methods are used to interchange the dies. Lot of accommodation work is performed to do a good portion during attempt outs. External set-ups are kept ready most of the clip, but still there are issues such as deficiency of be aftering due to some of import and pressing orders due to reshuffle of production agenda, unorganised readying and eventually, some hapless executing of the conversion. Sometimes, it is further deteriorated due to miss of preciseness equipment, no set control bounds, wear and rupture on tooling, fixtures, equipment, deficiency of criterions or mention points and non-documented work methods. The clip required for machine accommodations, trials to run into need ed dimensions or quality facets is besides high. Other discretional clip taken by the compositors besides adds to the apparatus clip. The set-up clip can be reduced significantly through focused and problem-solving low-priced attacks such as organizing a cross-functional squad ; separation of external and internal apparatuss ; standardisation of internal apparatus processs ; usage of standardised parts, tools and fixtures ; decease clamping system that works with a assortment of die sizes ; mounting line up blocks ; usage of preset-positions, gigues and fixtures, lasting mention lines and ram accommodations. For the imperativeness store under considerations, the observation of current apparatus patterns and the setup clip required thereof, there exists a big potency to cut down the set-up clip based on the countries for possible betterment. For the intent of repairing the per centum decrease in apparatus clip, the simulations were conducted at 25 % less and 50 % less and 25 % more. With the 25 % decrease, alterations in production, lead clip and WIP was non much and discernible. Besides, the alterations reflected could be due to the random coevals of apparatus clip harmonizing to the exponential distribution. So, for the intent of change overing the system to JIT, the apparatus clip was reduced clip by 50 % , which is rather possible and practical. Rejection Rate The quality of the constituents being produced by the imperativeness machines is really of import public presentation index. For the imperativeness store under consideration, the mean rejection rate is 3.33 % , the maximal being 4.5 % and the lower limit is 2.0 % . The high per centum of rejection leads to decrease in concluding production measure, bit, rework and increased cost. Due to inability to run into the production agenda because of higher rejection rates, less handiness and higher MTTR, the company has to often run into the marks by overtime. In the imperativeness store, factors impacting reject rate are die quality ( design, wear and care ) , preventative care, proper apparatus, procedure monitoring and operator preparation. Some minor undertakings related to constituents of brake pedal and door beam were successfully completed at the imperativeness store. It shows that some more continual betterment undertakings can be successfully executed to cut down the rejection rate. The simulation theoretical account was run by cut downing the rejection rate by 25 % and 50 % . The decrease in rejection rate provides seeable alterations in the end product. The betterment undertakings completed besides indicate that the decrease in rejection rate of 50 % is accomplishable by systematic analysis, betterment and control. Supplier Quality Management As mentioned above, the sellers are reputed and have a really good record of bringing clip and measure. On the quality forepart, the providers are executing moderately good. Out of 118 bringings over 7 months ; 69 times at that place was no rejection at inward subdivision. For staying 59 times, the mean credence was 91.54 % . The whole batch was rejected merely one time and was non considered in RM agenda. The natural stuff required for the imperativeness store is cut from the procured sheets. So, there are some rejections after shearing due to dimensional and geometrical issues. Supplier quality direction is ensured by puting rejection of inward stuff to zero. Equipment Development for Reduction in MTTR Equipment design and development are really betterments to the production procedure itself as it has a direct and significant impact on the cost, quality, and production clip of merchandises. Simple equipment is easy to manage and later reduces the MTBF, MTTR and improves handiness. Few alterations were made in the bought out machines to ease easy care, to cut down MTTR and better quality of production. These alterations are as follows:Power relays were often neglecting due to fluctuation in electromotive force. Relays were mounted inside the machine near the electric motor and were taking a long clip to mend. The location of the relays was changed and was brought outside of the machine. The replacing clip was reduced from 40 proceedingss to a few proceedingss.For the safety of the operator and to avoid idle shot, exposure detectors were mounted. It reduced the opportunities of accidents and dislocations.The jobs of hiting, cleft, thinning and furrows were reduced by utilizing a cust omized padding cylinder.The breakdown frequence of the bracket of the stacker was reduced by developing new mechanism.The shock absorber pins were responsible for doing the hole oblong and faulty. The bearing country was increased by replacing the earlier little home base with a bigger diameter. Once it was successful in one machine, it had been horizontally deployed to all the machines.The review and care of the clasp assembly was hard and clip consuming because of its location and weight. The squad developed the keeping mechanism for 160T machine which was utile to skid the constituents, cut downing the clip for review and care.Together with the above alterations, rapid motion of the random-access memory during the return shot could besides be implemented. The observation of the causes of dislocation showed that the happenings of electrical jobs were frequent. The failure of parts such as contactors, spiral, relays, coppice, fuse, switches, wires, etc. was the major beginning of d islocation. Depending on the frequence, the spares could be made available in the box attached at the back side of the machines. It would ease easy handiness of the same for look intoing and replacing. Therefore, decrease in MTTR by 25 % and 50 % were simulated for initial tallies of the simulation. 50 % decrease in MTTR was selected for concluding experimentation to hold noticeable alterations in the public presentation indexs and to suit for random coevals of values. Handiness Similarly, the losingss in the production clip were due to decease dislocation job, machine startup, quality defect and rework losingss, velocity losingss, manpower deficits, apparatus and accommodation losingss, stuff related job, seek out and minor arrests, power inaccessibility, and interrupt down losingss. It showed that assorted grounds were lending to the loss in handiness. The apparatus and trial clip could be reduced as explained in apparatus clip decrease. The preventative care of imperativeness machines and dies would cut down the arrests due to machine dislocation and die failure. The breakdown losingss and other care related losingss could be reduced by implementing preventative care. The computerized care information system would bring forth the agenda of care for each hebdomad which included hebdomadally, half annual and annual care activities. This information would be helpful in put to deathing the scheduled care. The preparation of the operator, formation of care and development squads would assist in bettering the handiness the machines. So, it could be considered that the handiness could be improved by 25 % . Loading and Unloading clip In other patterns such as burden and unloading clip, independent care was besides looked in. Loading and droping was done manually. The mean loading clip was 3.70 seconds while droping clip was 3.58 seconds. Use of turn uping pins, pokayoke, proper workstation design, stuff provender and storage system could be used to cut down the burden and unloading clip. Therefore 25 % decrease was assumed in lading and unloading clip. Autonomous Care Care that is performed by the machine operator instead than the care staff is known as independent care. It includes undertakings such as lubricating and fastening machine parts, cleansing, and reviews to observe abnormalcies and possible malfunctions at the earliest. Extra 15 proceedingss of clip was provided while implementing this pattern in the simulation theoretical account. The company location is about 7Km from the OEM site and has third party logistics for the bringing. After each displacement the finished constituents are delivered to the OEM. In the extra 15 proceedingss of clip provided, the operators are supposed to execute independent care. The operators can run any of the imperativeness machines and besides aid during the apparatus of machines. Therefore, operators are involved in a assortment of related undertakings stand foring multifunctional properties of workers. Design for fabrication pattern besides could hold been considered by uniting some operations utilizing progressive dies. Human related patterns, being intangible in nature, were excluded during the simulation survey. After the initial experimentation, the patterns to be included in the concluding experimentation and the degree of fluctuation were finalized. Table 7.10 shows the patterns and matching alterations effected while implementing a peculiar paradigm.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Babylon Revisited
The question of whether or not Charlie Wales’ request to have his daughter returned to him is reasonable seems fairly clear. The fact that the story begins and ends in a bar, with the alcoholic protagonist struggling with his addiction seems an indication that his demon has not been slain. Ambiguities seen in the story lead a reader to think that perhaps at this point it is not reasonable.Charlie perceives his old haunts as less than glamorous in the cold light of sobriety, but still he feels compelled to go and look once more. Yet, while it seems that Charlie genuinely regrets his past the reader also is told that Charlie has lost his fortune, which could easily be the reason for his new mindset. One of the twin themes of this story is that a person is responsible for his own shortcomings, and must pay his dues, so to speak, being held accountable to others.Charlie says that he never had a problem with alcohol until he began to lose his fortune, appearing to be in classic den ial. Charlie does not accept that his bouts of drunkenness are the reason why people such as Marion behave toward him as they do. He faults Marion’s lack of compassion and her intolerance for their discord. Everyone is out of step but Johnny, so to speak, and Charlie is not willing to accept that is likely his own actions that cause the rift between them.The story ends with Charlie sitting in a bar with drink in hand, which is a dangerous act for a recovering alcoholic. Though he has refused a second one, it is clear that he is not over his addiction. His life is a tragedy, yet he has not demonstrated the ability, by story’s end, to take responsibility for his own inadequacies, so the question of his being able to care for his young daughter seems moot. For the stated reasons, Charlie is not being reasonable in asking for custody of the child. Babylon Revisited Babylon Revisited is an F. Scott Fitzgerald short story, penned in 1930 Paris. It was then published in The Saturday Evening Post in 1931. The narrator speaks in third person, and from the point of view of Charlie, the protagonist. During his lifetime Fitzgerald was not recognized as a purely modernist author. It was after his death that this appellation was attached. Still, this short story has many features of the modernist movement, as can be seen in its theme, which is dark and fraught with conflict.The story is also written largely in the vernacular, which caused Fitzgerald to not be taken seriously as a writer early in his career. The protagonist is the character, Charlie Wales. The story opens and closes in a Paris bar. The conflict that Charlie finds is chiefly his struggle with alcoholism. He is in a battle of wills with his sister in law, who has custody of his daughter following the death of his wife. The twin themes of this story are that one must pay the piper if one has called the tune, as well as the idea that change is difficult to effect.The conflict is not resolved in the story and the reader is left to ponder the possibility that Charlie may or may not rise out of his sea of troubles. He is left sitting in a bar, but he has had a drink Still, he does some soul searching, and in the end refuses a second one. If he is to be considered a victim it must be understood that he suffers from a self-inflicted wound. The reader must decide if he feels sympathy toward Charlie. Charlie is the victim of forces outside his control but also a victim of his own weaknesses.My opinion is that the proof of the pudding is in the tasting, and we are known by our good acts and not our words. I have no sympathy for Charlie but I can see forgiving him if he keeps his pledge. Fitzgerald implies that he will. My hunch is that Charlie will find the dream of custody of his daughter stronger than the lure of alcohol. Reference Fitzgerald, F. and Bruccoli, M. (Editor) Bab ylon Revisited: and Other Stories Scribner 1996
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Origin and Decline of the Papal States
The Origin and Decline of the Papal States The Papal States were territories in central Italy that were directly governed by the papacy- not only spiritually but in a temporal, secular sense. The extent of papal control, which officially began in 756 and lasted until 1870, varied over the centuries, as did the geographical boundaries of the region. Generally, the territories included present-day Lazio (Latium), Marche, Umbria, and part of Emilia-Romagna. The Papal States were also known as the Republic of Saint Peter, Church States, and the Pontifical States; in Italian, Stati Pontifici or Stati della Chiesa. Origins of the Papal States The bishops of Rome first acquired lands around the city in the 4th century; these lands were known as the Patrimony of St. Peter. Beginning in the 5th century, when the Western Empire officially came to an end and the influence of the Eastern (Byzantine) Empire in Italy weakened, the power of the bishops, who were now often called papa or pope, increased as the populace turned to them for aid and protection. Pope Gregory the Great, for example, did a great deal to help refugees from invading Lombards and even managed to establish peace with the invaders for a time. Gregory is credited with consolidating the papal holdings into a unified territory. While officially the lands that would become the Papal States were considered part of the Eastern Roman Empire, for the most part, they were overseen by officers of the Church. The official beginning of the Papal States came in the 8th century. Thanks to the Eastern empires increased taxation and inability to protect Italy, and, more especially, the emperors views on iconoclasm, Pope Gregory II broke with the empire, and his successor, Pope Gregory III, upheld the opposition to the iconoclasts. Then, when the Lombards had seized Ravenna and were on the verge of conquering Rome, Pope Stephen II (or III) turned to the King of the Franks, Pippin III (the Short). Pippin promised to restore the captured lands to the pope; he then succeeded in defeating the Lombard leader, Aistulf, and made him return the lands the Lombards had captured to the papacy, ignoring all Byzantine claims to the territory. Pippins promise and the document that recorded it in 756 are known as the Donation of Pippin and provide the legal foundation for the Papal States. This is supplemented by the Treaty of Pavia, in which Aistulf officially ceded conquered lands to the bishops of Rome. Scholars theorize that the forged Donation of Constantine was created by an unknown cleric around about this time, as well. Legitimate donations and decrees by Charlemagne, his son Louis the Pious and his grandson Lothar I confirmed the original foundation and added to the territory. The Papal States Through the Middle Ages Throughout the volatile political situation in Europe over the next few centuries, the popes managed to maintain control over the Papal States. When the Carolingian Empire broke up in the 9th century, the papacy fell under the control of the Roman nobility. This was a dark time for the Catholic Church, for some of the popes were far from saintly; but the Papal States remained strong because preserving them was a priority of the secular leaders of Rome. In the 12th century, commune governments began to rise in Italy; although the popes did not oppose them in principle, those that were established in papal territory proved problematic, and strife even led to revolts in the 1150s. Yet the Republic of Saint Peter continued to expand. For example, Pope Innocent III capitalized on conflict within the Holy Roman Empire to press his claims, and the emperor recognized the Churchs right to Spoleto. The fourteenth century brought serious challenges. During the Avignon Papacy, papal claims to Italian territory were weakened by the fact that the popes no longer actually lived in Italy. Things grew even worse during the Great Schism when rival popes tried to run things from both Avignon and Rome. Ultimately, the schism was ended, and the popes concentrated on rebuilding their dominance over the Papal States. In the fifteenth century, they saw considerable success, once again due to the focus on temporal over spiritual power displayed by such popes as Sixtus IV. In the early sixteenth century, the Papal States saw their greatest extent and prestige, thanks to the warrior-pope Julius II. The Decline of the Papal States But it wasnt long after the death of Julius that the Reformation signaled the beginning of the end of the Papal States. The very fact that the spiritual head of the Church should have so much temporal power was one of the many aspects of the Catholic Church that reformers, who were in the process of becoming Protestants, objected to. As secular powers grew stronger they were able to chip away at papal territory. The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars also did damage to the Republic of Saint Peter. Eventually, during the course of Italian unification in the 19th century, the Papal States were annexed to Italy. Beginning in 1870, when the annexation of the papal territory put an official end to the Papal States, the popes were in a temporal limbo. This came to an end with the Lateran Treaty of 1929, which set up Vatican City as an independent state.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Tips for writing extraordinary and absorbing essay
Tips for writing extraordinary and absorbing essay Writing an extraordinary essay Starting from school and proceeding at college we face the need of writing different essays on topics of all sorts. This academic method of control has always been very useful and acknowledged. It is hard to underestimate the use of essay writing considering nowadays realities. Modern world is directed at developing strong, creative and thoughtful people with their own opinions on different things. And essay seems to be quite effective means for learning how to express own words reasonably, with comprehensible words and phrases. Even being good at writing and enouncing ideas by words and expressions, it is hard to create something original, unique and extraordinary. In other words, it is difficult to make a think piece, which will draw people’s attention and enhance their interest. There are millions of writers and novelists, but only hundreds of them are famous and have readers and admirers. So, how to become successful in writing and start generating compositions, which will be read and appreciated by people? There are some things you can work over and improve for better outcome. Ideas What do you write? Most of people are sure that the main success factor is to find some new and original ideas. Apparently, that can be truth, since readers will be fascinated with uncommon thoughts and notions. Innovational character always attracts attention and arises interest. Anyway, you need to learn dealing with new and old ideas. The point is that you can look at some well-known notions from the other side. To make your ideas and thoughts original and not alike others, you should separate yourself from the matter and view it in a new, extraordinary manner. Writing techniques How do you write? Journalists and writers have a lot of techniques and methods and some of them are quite effective within essay writing. Reading some famous novel or essay, just pay attention to details and you will see some efficient ones, which you can also use. First-person narration Even if you have imagined or heard from the third person a stuff that you are going to narrate or describe in your essay, it is better to do it in first person. You story will be more realistic and believable for your readers. When you tell the story or state some consideration, it seemed that you have witnessed all these things and know for sure what you tell. Real-file conversations and dialogs Any reader will appreciate a dialog of the characters, which is written in realistic and believable manner. Think of the words, expression and all other details. Your task is to make a reader imagine the scene or even give him or her the feeling that he or she is present at the conversation. Reasonable monologs While writing about character’s worries, thoughts or just describing some subjects, it is important to feel and understand what you write. Thus, if you write about some love troubles or feelings, you should immense yourself into the life of your character or remember your personal experience, than your writing will be realistic. Details and coherence Developing timeline of your story, pay precise attention to details of all sorts. Character’s appearance, locations, descriptions – everything matters. Coherence and sequence of events should be observed and followed. Think, create and think one more time Your imagination and creativity determine your success. One should generate millions of thoughts in the head; saturate them with the details and spontaneous aspects. Endless fantasy and original way of thinking have brought to our world all those written, drawn, played and sang masterpieces, which are admired by millions of fans. So look into the deepest corners of your mind and establish your mental processes. Final thought According to classical narration techniques there should be a problem statement, problem solving and conclusion. Most of authors adhere to this structure, since it is well-tried method. Your essay can have unusual form and structure and differ from everything you have read before. Anyhow, we recommend using and considering your final thought. People like to draw some conclusions and most likely they will remember only some thoughts or ideas from your essay. And it is great when you manage to write something strong at the end, those words, which will impress the reader and will stay in his head for a long time. No one can succeed in writing at once. For sure there are such notions as talent and inborn abilities, but there are always a lot of things to learn and work over. One should read a lot of other books and novels, absorb wisdom and then create his or her own think pieces. Do not hesitate and dive into the world of writing and we are sure that your essay will be excellent and splendid piece of creative and innovative performance.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Comparison of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, and William Essay
Comparison of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, and William James theoretical positions - Essay Example The paper tells that Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, and William James are historical psychologists whose work formed the foundation of psychology. Their theorems and practice in the field has had a great effect to this day. Most of the practicing psychologists in the present times borrow a lot from their work. However, this does not mean that their success in the field did not face challenges. The greatest of all the challenges for each one of them came from fellow psychologist. In efforts to outdo each other in their approach on psychological issues, similarities as well as differences developed that one cannot ignore. The four being the pioneers of psychology were passionate on getting better perceptive in the field. Their approaches aimed at getting facts that could better explain the psychological sphere of the human beings. This search for a better explanation led to common agreements on concepts like mental processes. They all believed that there was a conscious and a subconscious part of the human mind. These two spheres formed the basis for mental processes and Freud and Jung had similar views on dreams as a function of the unconscious mind. Jung in his theorem on individuation argued that human beings needed to incorporate both the conscious and unconscious mind to get the meanings to the dreams. Jung, Alder, and Freud agreed on the power of motive in human behavior. Childhood experience took the centre stage in the reason behind the motive. Cultural orientation, inferiority, and sexuality are all concepts that one gets from childhood. Since community and religious values influence a bigger part in them, the assimilation process into the child’s life is crucial because it affects relationships and psychological functioning of the individual (Meissner, 1987). Though the four could have differed in their theoretical positions of religion and the influence it has on human behavior, they all agreed that it plays a role in human psychology ( Dumont, 2010). Their theorems emphasized on religious interpretation of situations, and understanding of the world at large (Stone, 2011). Right from childhood, a child’s religion affects the way the child perceives different situations all the way to adulthood (Meissner, 1987). Contrast on Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, and William James theoretical positions Just as the four psychologists are distinct, their theoretical positions equally had distinctions. They all had distinct approaches on the applicability of the concepts they all agreed were true. An example is in believing on mental processes that lead to human behavior. Human behavior as per Freud’s view required insight into thoughts and feelings for action to take place (Stone, 2011). Though Jung and Freud agreed on the unconscious part of dreams, their approaches on interpretation differed. Jung believed that religious nature formed the basis for interpretation hence dividing the unconscious into ind ividual and collective (Stone, 2011). For him, personal experience and concerns as well as collective religious believe influenced the interpretation (Dumont, 2010). However, this was different with Freud since to him mental processes and behavior took the centre of the dreams. James on the other hand came up with a completely different approach. To him, mental processes were a matter of evolutionary process meaning it is a function of constant changes (Stone, 2011). In his theoretical position on mental processes was more natural selection rather than emotions. Jung, Alder, and Freud agreed on the power of motive. While Freud believed that sexuality influenced motive, Jung and Adler had a different position. Jung considered culture,
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Plato Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Plato - Assignment Example Plato’s thoughts and theories have been used to teach many subjects, from religion to mathematics. Plato’s dialogues, in which he addressed almost all controversial philosophical topics of his time, have become the bread and butter of modern philosophers. The dialogues contain critical and thought-provoking analyses of intricate subjects, some of which were considered â€Å"untouchable†at the time. However, the application of the dialogues is not restricted to philosophy (Pojman and Vaughn 34). Any normal person can use the thoughts they contain to develop or enhance critical thinking skills and to gain a clear perspective of life. For instance, the Apology, the Symposium, the Cratylus, and the Phaedrus can be used to improve students’ critical thinking capacities and encourage them to consider philosophy as a crucial aspect of life. Plato’s teachings embody the triumphs of the human race in trying to harness the power of the mind (Pojman and Vaughn 26). They also represent the endless possibilities and capacities of human intellect, and encourage us to question and debate everything around
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sustainability plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Sustainability plan - Essay Example Organizers of London Olympic games had put sustainability into their heart to ensure sufficient demonstration on how games can provide a chance to show case changes on how people live, perform their duties, building styles and business practice to the beneficial of a healthy life within the limit of resources available on earth. The London Olympic strategy was laid through a subdivision into groups, assigning each group with its own responsibility and managed by a committee. The committees were to execute over the raising of funds, planning infrastructural development and provision of legislation in governance to ensure that everybody from the United Kingdom at least benefited from the Olympic Games. Introduction London Olympic Games and the Paralympics games hosted in 2012were to be used beyond what is just done in sports, but to enable people around the world to develop a sense of friendship and to facilitate sharing of culture as an attempt of exposing diversity (Great Britain 200 7). The organizers based their strategies on economical, social and environmental sustainability. Other than the influence on sports, London Olympic Games organizers incorporated different authorities and assigned roles to ensure that playing of games was to create a perpetual legacy to all its citizens. A number of strategies were placed forward to ensure that games influenced all the communities residing in United Kingdom by creating job opportunities, enhancing business infrastructure and providing training in different areas to improve the life standards. However, these strategies were narrowed down to address the areas of climate change, waste disposal, biodiversity, infrastructure development and provision of health (Brebbia 2013). Biodiversity Biodiversity has become one of the major vital elements in sustenance of the environmental economy. It serves a basic duty of enhancing balance of the climate changes, ensures sustainable maintenance of the water catchment areas and emb races the available natural resources making them sufficient to support life and make it desirable (MacRury and Poynter 2009). The Olympic movement in the recent years has taken it as a priority to ensure that environment is made sustainable for all the inhabitants. The London Olympic 2012 organizers made it as a provision of maintaining the ecology by promoting the relevance of natural environment. With assistance of international sports centre and the United Kingdom, the Olympic organizers managed to improve different number of sites including the lower Lea valley. After the amendments of some laws to give way for improvements, the organizers thereafter developed most sites as a way of enhance diversity (MacRury and Poynter 2009). For instance, at Lea valley nature plant seeds were collected with a motive of sustaining indigenous plant species. Quite a number of reptiles who resided within the valley under natural circumstances were relocated to appropriate sites. The organizers a lso created artificial nests of some birds as a way of safeguarding species of birds like the kingfisher whose population were dwindling rapidly. Inclusion Inclusion involves the culture of breaking down
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Implementation of a Marketing Plan
Implementation of a Marketing Plan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION The present financial crisis has negatively affected not only the US market but also International markets with economies experiencing negative global growth in Gross Domestic Products (GDP) and decreases in global consumption levels. Now more than ever, companies (in Trinidad and Tobago) are faced with reformulating their business strategies in order to boost sales volumes by attracting customers through promoting traditional products but providing additional services not previously offered. Companies have to revisit their marketing strategies and implement new marketing plans that will not only create competitive advantage but also experience sustainable competitive advantage. As such the aim of this research is to identify and develop a marketing plan to strengthen Dhookups competitive advantage in Trinidad and Tobagos industry to viably survive in these current situations. Background Origin The company, now known as Dhookup, was originally formed by Mr. Kedelle Greaves in April 2008 to satisfy the growing needs of the working population by providing quality electronic products at a low costs compared to the Trinidad and Tobagos current market where such goods and services were seen as being very costly by customers. Currently, the company is operating at an adhoc basis with no formal marketing structure and Business plan. The Electronic products presently offered by the company are Laptops and Accessories, Desktop Computers, Cellular Phones, Digital Storages Devices, Games and Accessories, Electronic Accessories and Digital Cameras. In May 2009, the founder realise the need to restructure the operations and strategic planning of the company due to the present economic and financial global crisis in order to be remain competitive and viable in Trinidad market. A decision was made to reform the business from a sole proprietor to a partnership by inviting two investors to contribute equal amounts of capital, along with the founder, into the business which will be used to fund any additional investments and strategic future market plans. Snapshot of the Business The company was managed solely by the founder and now is managed equally by all investors with no other employees mainly because the present workflow was not demanding and did not require additional personnel. At present the company operates using a just in time system where, only when a customer wants an item, then the item is sourced and delivered. The customer makes a down payment (usually 50%), and then the order is placed for the item which approximately takes 2-3 weeks to be delivered. At the end of this period the customer collects the item by paying off the balance of the item. Mission Statement Dhookup will continue to be one of the premier electronic product and service provider within Trinidad and Tobago with an emphasis on Customer Relationship Management and timely satisfaction of consumer needs. Strategy Statement The Hook up will pursue a strategy of growth aimed at position the company as one the leading best costs electronic products and service providers in Trinidad and Tobago. SWOT analysis of the company Product and Services The company offers high quality products at an affordable price which is very competitive to the other similar suppliers in the market. Apart from providing competitive prices, consumers are well informed about the technical features and benefits of their desired purchases before any business is conducting by providing detailed information of the products specification, its capabilities and also similar products in the market. The company ensures that the customer is purchasing the correct product to suffice their desired needs and wants. Also, the company provides excellent after sales service customer support that is very unique to Trinidad and Tobagos industry. Customers have a luxury of after sales assistance, at no extra costs, in terms of trouble shooting of products and minor repairs. Any major repairs of electrical items are directed to an external partner who will automatically grant discounts on any services rendered. DHookups Product Mix is as follows: Laptops and Accessories Desktop Computer Cell Phones Digital Storages Devices Games and Accessories Electronic Accessories Digital Cameras Product Line RESEARCH OBJECTIVE Problem Statement The industry In the era of increasing technology advancements, the industry has seen a decrease in barriers to accessing products and services in regional and international markets by individuals and corporations. The public can now access these markets through various tools such as obtaining skyboxes and liaising with various import and export companies. The issues arising from this is that both individuals and companies are faced with the uncertainty of additional costs and risk incurred for importer these items to the local market. More and more companies either shift both the costs and risks involved in such transactions to consumer causing a strike in prices of these goods and services as compared to the international markets and/or an overall decrease in the level of customer service. Costs such as customs duties are not easily predicted due to the fact that as at present there is no formal costing structure on imported goods and services, thus values are determine by the customs department at the point of entry (please see appendix II for excerpt receipt statement). Customers engaging in acquiring skyboxes may be wary due to the uncertainty of the duties imposed on the items and also the risks involved in purchasing items on the internet. This acts as a deterrent to customers leaving them to rely on the local market, where there is limited variety. The Company Dhookup currently advertises based on referrals and recommendation by existing clients and there are no formal marketing strategies in terms of communicating the services provided by the company to the public. A lack of both strategic business and marketing plan has seen the company experience a lot of difficulties that hinders the growth of the business in the industry for both the short and long term. A lack of marketing strategies has contributed to low and inconsistent sales level. Due to the fact that business in generated solely on the referrals, the company does not presently have a huge clientele base and relies on existing customers for repeat purchases. This strategy has proven to be unreliable and needs to be addressed immediately to improve profit levels Brand awareness is one of the key issues and areas that need to be resolved and improved. Customers are unaware of the range of products and services offered by the company and there are no branding strategies initialise in the beginning in the incorporation of the company. Also, a more focussed should be placed on analysing the current and prospective product distribution channels available to the company. The company does not focus in any particular market in terms of advertising and distribution but instead provides products and services where necessary. By not focusing on any one particular target market the company cannot identify what their customers needs are and also what their purchasing patterns are like. Knowing your customer base is one the key areas that should be focused on when looking at what distribution channel is most effective. Objectives The main objectives of this marketing plan are to: Define the Target Market Identify the customer base Improve Brand Awareness. Identify the main competitors Outline a strategy for attracting and keeping customers Outline a financial plan to maintain consistent profit levels and growth As such the purpose of this practicum, in order to accomplish the set companys objectives, is to: Outline the importance and roles of Customer Relationship Management in sustaining competitive advantage Identify the Roles of Branding Identify the Importance and roles of Advertising LITERATURE REVIEW CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT What is CRM Customer Relationship Management or CRM, according the Ellen Gifford, is focused on the relationship between the firm and its customers. Successful firms build customer relationships by: Satisfying goals between firms and customers, Both Consumers and the organisations has a set of conditions. Establishing and maintaining a positive customer connection Producing positive outcomes for the organisation and the customers. Jill Dyche states â€Å"CRM is defined as the infrastructure that enables the delineation of, and increase in customer value and the correct means by which to motivate valuable customers to remain loyal and indeed buy again.†In todays current marketplace, companies have to focus on the needs and wants of the customer which entails providing excellent customer service to gain competitive advantage over its competitors. Excellent Customer services focuses on providing 24 hour service to customers before, during and after a service has been delivered. According to Turban and Efrain, (2002), â€Å"Customer Service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer satisfaction.†Customer relationship Management has evolved from a simple market concept representing a refocus of marketing with a greater emphasis on the creation of customer value. The main emphasis has shifted from satisfying customers needs to building long term relationship through value creation process (Evans Laskin, 1994). Improvements in Information Technology in the marketplace has empowered customers with greater and broader knowledge and facilitated the constant exchange of information between buyers and sellers. Firms are now focused on moving closer to customers, understanding their needs and allowing customers to actively shape their own expectation by co-creating value obtaining a strategic customer focus. Buttle (2002), states that CRM is â€Å"the development and maintenance of mutually beneficial long term relationships with strategically significant customers.†It is â€Å"an IT enhanced value process which identifies develops, integrates and focuses the various competencies of the firm to the voice of the customer in order to deliver long term superior customer value, at a profit to well identified existing and potential customer,†(Plakoyiannaki and Tzokas, 2001). Determinants of CRM In order to achieve these synergies between the customer and suppliers (firms) we must highlight what the underlying determinants of CRM are Trust and Value: Trust is defined as the willingness to rely on the ability, integrity and motivation of one company to serve the need of the other company as agreed upon implicitly and explicitly Value is defined as the ability of a selling organisation to satisfy the needs of the customers at a comparatively lower cost or higher benefit than that offered by competitors and measured in monetary, temporal, functional and psychological terms In addition to providing high quality levels of both trust and value, companies must also: Understand Customer needs and problems: This is an ongoing process and should take place before, during and after the sale is completed. Meet their commitments Must be honest: The company should also make sure the customer is always told the truth about the information provided for goods and services provided Have a long term perspective. Focus should be placed on establishing and retaining a long term relationship with the customer Developing customer relationship Successful management of the development process between the firm and the customer would lead to superior long-term performance of the organisation through improved customer retention. Ford et al suggested a relationship development model that consists of five stages: The pre-relationship stage: this is the event that triggers a buyer/supplier (customer/firm) to seek a new business partner The early stage: This is where experience is accumulated between buyer and supplier although a great degree of uncertainty and distance exists The development stage: This is where increased level of transactions lead to a higher degree of commitment and the distance is reduced to a social exchange. The long term stage: This is characterised by th e companies mutual importance to each other. The final Stage: This is where the interaction between the parties becomes institutionalised. According to the model in the early stages both parties are distant from one another but as time goes by the relationship is characterised by increased commitment and cooperation whereas in the later stages interaction decreases as the relationship is institutionalised. As with the life cycle model, the time span of each stage varies and it is difficult to predict how long both parties will remain in that stage before moving on or decide to not move at all and relinquish the relationship. As seen in the both models when the relationship enters the decline phase, both cooperation and the level of commitment and cooperation drops significantly. Firms are now faced with the task of attracting and retaining new and existing customers by ensuring that they maintain their positive relationship with customers through effective customer relationship management. Functions of CRM The functions of customer relationship management can be direct and indirect. Direct functions of CRM refer to profit, volume and safeguard as opposed to indirect functions which includes innovation, market, scout and success. In terms of CRM, direct functions are the basic requirements of the company that are necessary to survive in the competitive marketplace and the indirect functions are actions necessary to convince the customer to engage or participate in various marketing activities (Earl D. Honeycutt et al 2003) Profitability This distinguishes between the profitable customer who provides the firm with a positive cash flow and a high volume customer who helps the firm achieve economies of scale Volume this secures the necessary breakeven position of the firm and enables the firm to operate on a profit making basis Safeguard This improves the costs efficiency of a supplier and provides stability and control in sales in a dynamic marketplace. Innovation This allows products and processes to be developed together in order to improve the value of the offering to the customer. Market This wins customer support through referrals/recommendations when entering new markets and establishing new commercial and personal relationships Scout This results in market information gathered by customers and communicated to the supplier earlier than would have be known Access This refers to the help received from customers experience and networking when the firm interacts with authorities and trade associations. (Earl D. Honeycutt et al 2003) Though the functions of Customer Relationship Management is clearly outlined above, firms have different prospective on CRM on the whole. Some firms focus on CRM because they are driven by gaining competitive advantage as opposed to others who are view CRM as an opportunity to improve the relationship with another company to minimise the effects of market volatility. No matter what the firms objectives and goals are in utilising CRM tools, the models they choose must support these objectives by improving the overall relationship between the firm and the customer. This is accomplished by adding value to the customers experience. Evan and Laskin 1994 introduced a model of relationship selling that evidently differentiates between three underlying and fundamental components: Relationship inputs, relationship outcomes and assessment. According to the model, effective relationship management is understanding customer expectation, building service partnership with customers, empowering employees to fulfil customer needs and providing the best quality to customers to satisfy their respective needs (introduction of Total Quality Management (TQM). If implemented in the most effective manner these inputs would lead to positive outcomes such as improved customer satisfaction, loyalty, and increased customer perception of the firms product and services, which in turn would affect the firms profit. Of course the opposite applies if these inputs are not successfully implemented. The assessment state integrates two components, customer feedback and integration. Firms should engage in customer feedback mechanism to ensure at all times customer needs are being addressed and met. The firm should ensure that the relationship marketing processes is integrated into the strategic planning framework in order to align it to the firm s overall goals and objectives. Smith and Barclay 2003 identified a standard model for building effective customer relationship based on some key factors; Interdependence, Cooperation and mutual trust. The model highlights that both the customer and supplier perceive interdependence as the channel to cooperate and also the motivation to exchange a level of trust and commitment. Mutual Trust and Cooperation contribute significantly to the effectiveness of the relationship creating relationship dynamics. As the relationship grows and develops into a partnerships (maturity stage) both parties shares similar and agreed objectives and visions maximising the effectiveness of the relationship. Apart from the models highlighted above aimed to improving the relationships between both parties through CRM, Parasuraman et al (1996) also introduced the â€Å"GAP†model of service quality by identifying five major gaps that face organisation to meet customers expectation of the customers experience. BRANDING ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION METHODOLOGY Market Research is an objective, systematic collection and analysis of data representing a particular target market, environment and competition incorporating some form of data collection, either primary or secondary. The following key areas would be focused on in this section: Research design Target population and Sample Data Collection Technique Validity and reliability of the research Research Design The research design of the practicum depends on the extent to which the theory highlighted is derived. There are two types of research design; Deductive approach: Where you develop a theory and hypothesis (or hypotheses) and design a research strategy to test the hypothesis or Inductive approach: Where you collect data and develop the theory as a result of your data analysis (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2007), For the purpose of this research a deductive approach will be used. According to Robson (2002) there are five sequential stages through which deductive research will progress: Deducing a hypothesis from the theory (a testable proposition about the relationship between two or more concepts or variables). Testing the hypothesis in operational terms (i.e. indicating how the concepts or variables are to be measured). Relationships between two or more specific concepts or variables are proposed. Testing the operational hypothesis. Examining the specific outcome of the inquiry (confirming the theory or indication modification is needed) If necessary, modify the theory. Though the deductive approach is usually affiliated with the quantitative research design, this practicum would utilise a mixed approach design, focusing on both quantitative and qualitative approaches in gathering data through discussions, observations and questionnaires. The research design will be a descriptive study in order to portray an accurate profile of events and situations and to gain deeper insights into the main topic highlighted. The descriptive study, also known as the statistical approach, describes data and characteristics of the population being sampled by answering the questions who, what, where, when and how. The research was also designed in such a way to determine the spending habits of the targeted population with respect to age, gender and social disposition by gathering primary data. It also tested the participants knowledge of the industry and the perceived factors affecting Demand and Supply for the electronics products locals and internationally. Research Techniques As stated previously, the information gathered from the research was primary data, using research techniques such as Surveys and Observations of consumers and similar suppliers in the domestic market. The Survey was conducted through Eighty five (85) Questionnaires distributed and returned from a random sample of a targeted population. The questionnaire allowed the researcher the opportunity to answer who, what, where and how through various questions posed to the participants therefore using the desired descriptive research design. The survey would also allow the researcher to collect quantitative data to be analysed quantitatively and also collecting the data to suggest possible relationships between two or more variables which can be explored through existing models. The questionnaire tested the participants on various areas such as: The knowledge of customers in the market The online shopping awareness of customer The factors that affect the demand for products and services in the said market. Customer satisfaction Etc. Both techniques were also considered to be highly economical due to the constraints of the project both in time and financing as it can be quickly administered at low cost to the researcher. Sample and Population A random sample was taken from a population consisting of both UWI and Authur Lok Jack Students. Each participant was randomly selected and approached face to face by the researcher at different locations of the respected campuses. At the University of West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, random samples were taken from students entering the food court at lunch time to capture the heavy influx of students and also at the pickup area in the afternoon. At Arthur Lok Jack Graduate school of Business candidates were approached at the front desk during the evening sessions to capture the majority of students from different disciplines. Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of business and the University of the West Indies students were chosen as the population mainly because they were seen as the ideal target market based on past and current purchases and demand trends. Credibility and Validity of the research Participants had a clear understanding of the purpose of the questions posed in the questionnaire and its objectives. Each questionnaire was distributed by the researcher in order to prepare for in any unforeseen problems arising from misinterpretation of the questions and as well explanations of the various terminologies used. It was felt that the researcher would be best person to answer any of these questions at any moment notice. Also, the questions were structured in order to facilitate the ease of completion of the form by ensuring that all questions were concise and straight to the point.
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